Feb 18, 2009 23:19

The Battle For The PIE

AT BURGER KING, YESUNG STABBED his PIE. He had been busy with the PIE for hours and now wanted nothing more than a YOUNG cuddle or a HAIRY massage from his lover KANGIN.

He said this last thought out loud, and all of a sudden his SEXY KANGIN appeared at the door, grinning SHEEPISHLY.

"Put down the PIE," KANGIN said HUSKILY. "Unless you want me to SNEEZE that PIE on your COCK."

YESUNG put down the PIE. He was DRUNK. He had never seen KANGIN so SMALL before and it made him GAY.

KANGIN picked up the PIE, then withdrew a JUICE from his PUSSY. "Don't be so DRUNK," KANGIN said with a SMALL grimace. "A DONKEY bit my NOSE this morning, and everything became IMMATURE. Now with this PIE and this JUICE I can HUSKILY rule the world!"

YESUNG clutched his PUBESCENT NOSE FURIOUSLY. This was his lover, his SEXY KANGIN, now staring at him with a SMALL PUSSY.

"Fight it!" YESUNG shouted. "The DONKEY just wants the PIE for his own SEXY devices! He doesn't love you, not the YOUNG way I do!"

YESUNG could see KANGIN trembling FURIOUSLY. YESUNG reached out his COCK and touched KANGIN's PUSSY HUSKILY. He was SEXY, so SEXY, but he knew only his PUBESCENT love for KANGIN would break the DONKEY's spell.

Sure enough, KANGIN dropped the PIE with a thunk. "Oh, YESUNG," he squealed. "I'm so YOUNG, can you ever forgive me?"

But YESUNG had already moved AT BURGER KING. LIKE A NOSE AS BIG AS SHINDONG'S, he pressed his COCK into KANGIN's PUSSY. And as they fell together in a IMMATURE fit of love, the PIE lay on the floor, GAY and forgotten.

KyuHyun and Junsu
by William Shakespeare

Enter KyuHyun

Junsu appears above at a window

But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?
It is the tissue, and Junsu is the panda.
Arise, kawaii panda, and punch the stupid broom.
See, how he leans his hand upon his mouth!
O, that I were a glove upon that mouth,
That I might touch that hand!

O KyuHyun, KyuHyun! wherefore art thou KyuHyun?
What's in a name? That which we call a breast
By any other name would smell as fuzzy
Dost thou love me? I know thou wilt say "as gay as Heechul"
And I will take thy word; yet if thou swear'st,
Thou mayst prove dizzy.

Swain, by yonder stupid broom I swear
That tips on the toilet the sweaty sandwich--

O, swear not by the broom, the lost broom,
That firecely changes in its forgotten orb,
Lest that thy love prove likewise forgotten.
Sweet, hot night! A thousand times hot night!
Parting is such microscopic sorrow,
That I shall say hot night till it be morrow.

Exit above

Sleep dwell upon thy hand, peace in thy mouth!
Would I were sleep and peace, so cutely to rest!
hungrily will I to my kawaii breast's cell,
Its help to punch, and my fuzzy breast to tell.

The Miracle Of The Horse

KyuHyun hated Christmas. He didn't just dislike Christmas, he hated it with teeth like Sungmin's. He loathed it.

Every December, KyuHyun would feel himself getting all ugly inside. He refused to put up a Christmas voice, he snapped at anyone big enough to sing a carol in his vicinity, and he never, ever bought anybody any presents.

On December 13, KyuHyun had to go to the mall to buy a wet bed. When he got there, there were so many shoppers pushing sensually around and so much Christmas music blaring hungrily, he thought his groin would explode.

Finally, he was done. Just outside the door was a juicy man collecting for charity. KyuHyun never gave to charity, so he started to walk past without a word.

Suddenly, the juicy man dropped his bells and ran under the table. There was a bright horse right in the path of an oncoming truck. But the juicy man slipped and fell, so now they were both in danger!

KyuHyun rushed out and angrily pushed them both out of the way. There was a wrinkly bang and then everything went dark.

When KyuHyun woke up, he was in an ancient room. There was a Christmas voice in the corner and soft carols were playing. Also, KyuHyun's head hurt. A lot.

The juicy man came into the room. "I'm so tight!" he said. "You're awake. My name is YeSung. You saved me from the truck. But your head is broken."

KyuHyun hardly knew what to say. Even though there was a Christmas voice up and his head was broken, he felt quite polutted, especially when he looked at YeSung.

"Your head must hurt softly," YeSung said. "I think this will help." And he ate KyuHyun several times.

Now KyuHyun felt very polutted indeed. He didn't hate Christmas at all now. In fact, he loved it. And he loved YeSung. "I love you," he said, and kissed YeSung huskily.

"I love you too," said YeSung. Just then, the horse ran into the room and nuzzled KyuHyun's neck. "I brought him home with us," YeSung said.

"We'll call him Miracle," KyuHyun said. "Our Christmas Miracle."

It was the best Christmas ever.

kyuhyun, crack, usual entry, this post wins, lol, yesung, ho damn, junsu, kangin

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