Of Band Geeks and Orch-Dorks (Choir is Overrated)

Mar 24, 2013 20:23

Shots #1-3/Junmyeon
  1. Early Morning Symphonic Orchestra
  2. Chanyeol and Kris Sitting in a Tree FOREVER!
  3. Minseok and Jacqueline
  4. Character Background: Junmyeon
Early Morning Symphonic Orchestra
“You are not putting that in my car,” Minseok rolls down his car window.
“Why not?” Luhan pouts as he hoists his tuba case onto his hip.
“It’s not going to fit!” Minseok gestures to the tuba that is nearly more than half the size of Luhan.
“Just put your cello in the trunk!”
“I am not putting Jacqueline in my trunk.”
“I still can’t believe you named your cello,” Luhan mumbles.
“What did you say?”
“I said I still can’t believe you named your cello!” Luhan yells.
Minseok glares at his best friend and promptly grabs the handle at the bottom of his car door and cranks up the window by hand. Curse his old car.
“You are not going to leave me here!” Luhan screams as he raps his fist against Minseok’s window.
Minseok doesn’t reply as he shifts his car into drive.
“Don’t you dare Kim Minseok, I will ruin your life!”
Minseok finally looks up at Luhan, smiles and then waves his fingers.

“You son of a-“Minseok turns his music up, “Yah!” Luhan yells as he runs towards Minseok’s car that is teasingly going 15 miles per hour.It’s six in the morning. Jongin is munching on a Chocolate Otis Spunk Meyer muffin (his favorite and the only thing that is worth getting up early for) and he can’t figure out why playing his trumpet is more important than sleeping.
“That is disgusting.”
“What?” Jongin looks behind him to see Chanyeol making his infamous weird faces. This guy has exercised his facial muscles very well, Jongin notices.
“You’re eating before playing?” Chanyeol eyes the muffin.
“What’s wrong with that?” Jongin answers lazily.
“You are going to be blowing chunks.”
“Oh, well sucks for the guy sitting in front of me.”
“That is disgusting,” Chanyeol shudders and walks away.

Toward the front of the room, Chen is trying very hard not to hurl his breakfast onto the music stand in front of him after hearing the conversation between Jongin and Chanyeol.“I hate you,” Luhan grits his teeth, heaving his tuba onto his waist.
“You insulted Jacqueline. You deserved it,” Minseok replies as he holds the door open for Luhan.
“Whatever,” Luhan sticks his tongue out at Minseok and makes his way towards the back of the room.
“Oh, hey Kris, I didn’t know you joined symphony this year,” Luhan sets his tuba down.
“A pity really,” Kris responds grumpily in his chair.
“Why’s that?” Luhan snaps his tuba case open.
“I should never listen to Yixing.”
“Ah, did Yixing convince you to take the class?”
“Yeah, said it was an easy A, bastard’s not even here yet, I bet he slept in.”
“You never learn, he always sleeps in.”
“Who kn-” Kris gets cut off by Luhan blowing a loud B flat into his tuba.
“What the fuck Luhan?” Kris yells, “That was in my ear!”
“My muffin…” Jongin looks at the chocolate muffin that is now on the floor after being surprised by Luhan.
Chen is secretly thankful to Luhan because he is not too keen on seeing random chocolate chunks flying everywhere.

Chanyeol and Kris Sitting in a Tree FOREVER
It’s early morning symphony practice and the conductor is drilling the string section to work out the kinks of the piece. Chanyeol always uses this time to talk to Kris. ALWAYS.
Kris already has to deal with Chanyeol in band, but now he has to deal with Chanyeol in the morning as well.
“So, I was just thinking,” Chanyeol starts.
“Uh oh, that’s not good.” Kris says with his chin in his hand.
Chanyeol either doesn’t hear Kris or decides to ignore what Kris says, “We all die right? We know we have an end right? All we’re doing is waiting for it to happen.”
“Right…” Kris hesitantly agrees to Chanyeol, because Kris isn’t sure where Chanyeol is headed and he’s not sure if he’s ready to take this road.
“What would it feel like to just go on forever? Like what if we were immortal and were just stuck going through life forever?”
“Chanyeol, it’s too early in the morning to think about this,” Kris rubs his face.
“But really, think about it. I mean you have FOREVER! Do you know how many things you could do? UNLIMITED! Doesn’t that just scare the shit out of you?” Chanyeol grabs Kris’ arm.
“Chanyeol, no matter how hard you think about this, you will go in circles.”
“You don’t understand. We do things as if we’ll always have the time, like we have forever to do it! In the back of our minds though, we know that things will end and we’re okay with that! But what if, we had forever to do it? Would we keep doing things knowing we have forever or would we not do anything because what’s the point of doing things when you know you have forever to do them anyways!”
“I am not having this conversation with you,” Kris shifts his body away from Chanyeol.
“But Kris, just think about it for a second!”
“Percussion! Measure 22!” the conductor interrupts their conversation.
Chanyeol sulks, but Kris is grateful.
Very grateful.

Minseok and Jacqueline
“Hey guys, did you know Minseok named his cello?” Luhan says as he plops into the passenger seat of Minseok’s car.
“Oh really? What did you name her? I’m going to assume your cello is a she,” Junmyeon climbs into Luhan’s lap with his violin between his legs, intending on claiming shot gun.
“Jacqueline,” Minseok replies.
“Get your own seat,” Luhan pushes Junmyeon and his violin.
“Hey! Don’t hurt her!” Junmyeon clutches his violin to his chest.
“You should have just put it in the trunk!” Luhan complains.
“No way! She’ll get hurt!”
“What? Like being bullied by the tuba and viola or something?”
“Hey don’t mock my viola,” Sehun slides into the back seat and motions for Junmyeon to slide in after him.
Minseok gasps, “How could you say that?”
“Say what?” Luhan questions.
“That it’s just a violin!” Junmyeon clutches his violin tighter.
 “Now that you say that, I’m going to let Junmyeon sit shotgun,” Minseok kicks Luhan out of the seat.
Junmyeon triumphantly smiles at Luhan and drops into the seat, “Why Jacqueline?”
Minseok gets excited and starts bouncing in his seat, “I named her after the cello player Jacqueline Du Pre!”
“I named mine, Alena,” Junmyeon proudly grins.”
“Alena? What kind of name is that?” Luhan grumbles as he slides in next to Sehun.
 “I think it’s pretty,” Sehun announces.
“Thank you, Sehun,” Junmyeon ruffles Sehun’s hair softly, “I liked the name Lena, but it sounded better with an A, so that’s what I named her.”
“What? You guys are weird,” Luhan looks at his friends.
“It’s okay, Luhan,” Sehun pats Luhan’s shoulder, “I understand you.”
“Aw, really? Thanks Sehunnie,” Luhan smiles.
“No, I was kidding. I named my viola Alaizabel.”
“What! You too? You are all crazy, they’re just instruments.”
“We’re ignoring you,” Minseok announces as he shifts his car into reverse.
“Hey! That’s rude!” Luhan reaches towards the driver seat and punches Minseok’s arm.
“Driving!” Minseok screams, “Unless you want to die before getting home, I advise you to not harm the driver!”
“Silly Luhan,” Sehun pokes the elder’s cheek.

Character Background: Junmyeon

Junmyeon is a junior in high school. He is a part of String Orchestra and Symphonic Orchestra as 2nd Chair, first violin. Junmyeon has near perfect pitch. He got into Violin at around 3 or 4 years old. It’s not uncommon for kids to start the violin at such a young age. He followed the teachings of the Suzuki books. So he is very skilled at the violin. Which explains why he is 2nd Chair, but to him that’s not good enough. He wants to be Concert Master of course. He is very jealous of the senior who is occupying the chair next to his, but he won’t ever admit it. (Except Tao has caught him glaring at the current Concert Master and has suspicions that Junmyeon is very jealous). Junmyeon is also a straight A student. He has a 3.998 GPA. Yes, he still considers that A- an A. So he tells people he’s a straight A student. Let me tell you a secret, he cried in bed all night because his Physics teacher gave him an A-. Physics is hard, poor Junmyeon, I know how he feels (Don’t tell him I told you). Outside of Music, he is the Junior Advisor of National Honor Society, meaning in his senior year, he will be President. He is also part of the Academic Decathlon.

exo, band/orchestra/choir au

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