The Strawberry Patch

Jul 06, 2010 21:15

The Strawberry Patch-One Shot
Pairing(s): Eunhae (main), Hanchul
Rating: PG-13 (Mentions of sex)
Characters: Eunhae, Hanchul, Ryeowook, Leeteuk, Henry,
Disclaimer: Don't own them only the story.

"Ow!" Donghae screamed in pain as a pin poked his behind.

"Yah! If you would've stayed still, we wouldn't have this problem!" Heechul yelled at the young prince.

Donghae began to grumble as he stood in front of the mirror waiting for Heechul to finish pinning his suit for his seventh birthday party.

"Hurry up! I wanna go out and play!" Donghae whined.

"If you stay still, we can finish this in less than ten minutes!" Heechul smacked Donghae in the head.

"Hyung!" Heechul's assistant/husband scolded.

"He deserved it," Heechul continued pinning the suit.

Hangeng sighed, "If the Queen finds out, she'll have your head."

Heechul glared at Hangeng, "When that happens, I'll just make her a new dress."

Heechul grabbed a pin from Hangeng and pinned the suit.

"Yah! I told you stop moving! Now we have to start all over," Heechul yelled.

Donghae groaned in frustration and stamped his foot.

"This time stay still!" Heechul squished Donghae's cheeks.

Donghae glared at the older woman


Donghae sat in a chair, opening all 1,053 presents he got from the guests. Hesmiled as he recieved the 10th copy of the Pokemon Diamond game.

Ugh, another one.

Donghae loved games, but when the games were programed to let him win, they weren't that fun.

"Umma, when can I go play?" Donghae asked the queen.

"Honey, you still have more presents to open."

Donghae wrinkled his nose, "Later."

The queen sighed, "Fine."

"Yes!" Donghae got up and ran outside.

"Don't go too far!" his Umma yelled.

Donghae didn't hear, he was filled with happiness by being away from the boring party.

Outside, Donghae spotted his friends, "Henry! Ryeowook!" Donghae started to run towards them.

"Nope," someone held onto his collar, "Direct orders from the queen, you can't play with the servant children today."

Donghae looked at Leeteuk in disbelief.

"Why don't you ride in your toy car. I'll push you," Leeteuk carried Donghae and sat him in the toy car. Then Leeteuk began to push Donghae around the garden.

Donghae sat in the car, grumbling to himself.

10 minutes later.
"Wait! Stop!" Donghae spotted a hole in the gate, near the ground, "I gotta go to the bathroom."

"Oh, okay," Leeteuk turned the car around.

"No! It's okay! I can go myself. It's faster if I run," Donghae got out of the car and ran into the bushes.

Leeteuk shrugged and turned the car towards the castle.

When Leeteuk disappeared, Donghae emerged from the bushes.

"Pst! Henry! Ryeowook!"

"Donghae!" Henry came running towards his hyung.

"Shh!" Donghae put his finger over Henry's lips.

"What is it?" Ryeowook asked.

"Henry, switch clothes with me."

"Eh? Why?"

"I found a hole in the gate, I'm going to sneak out."

"Eh?" Henry spoke in disbelief, "Why can't we all go?" Henry pouted.

Donghae looked at his dongsaeng and pinched his cheeks, "If Eeteuk hyung notices we're all gone, he'll get suspicious. Plus, you said you've always wanted to try on my clothes." Donghae took off his pants.

Henry brightened up. "Okay!"


"Ahahaha!" Donghae skipped away from the garden.

Donghae stopped, "Where should I go?"


"Hannie, let's go to the Han River."

"Oh? What for?" Hangeng pulled his lover into his lap.

"There's this strawberry patch there. We could, you know..." Heechul circled his finger on Hangeng's chest.

Hangeng pondered for a moment, "Hhmm, okay."

Flashback end.

"Yum, strawberries," Donghae licked his lips and started in a random direction.

10 minutes later.

"Oh, wait...Where's the Han River?" Donghae scratched his head.

Then he suddenly remembered something in Geography Class.

"Aha!" Donghae stuck his finger in his mouth. He pulled it out and stuck it in the air. The wind blew. "That way it is!"


"Ohh! Look, lights!"

Donghae had finally found the Han River but he still had to find the strawberry patch.

"Ahh! Found it." Donghae knelt down in front of a huge strawberry patch. "Wah!" he starred in wonder.

Donghae looked at the strawberries. He picked one and stuck it in his mouth, "Hmmm..." Quickly Donghae ate more and more strawberries. Suddenly he felt some kind of giant, furry, bump on the strawberry.

It was a giant, furry spider.

Donghae screamed and threw the strawberry.

"Ow! Hey-ah! Get away!" A boy suddenly jumped up from the ground, swatting away the bug.

"Oops," Donghae rushed towards the boy, "Are you okay?"

"No," the boy started to cry.

"Eh, ah, I'm sorry," Donghae picked up a strawberry, checked if there were bugs on it and stuck it in the boy's mouth, "Better?"

The boy stopped crying. He bit into the strawberry and let Donghae have the rest.

Donghae smile and ate the strawberry, "What's your name?"


"I'm Donghae," Dongahe smiled with his strawberry covered face.

Immediately Eunhyuk smiled and began to talk with Donghae.


"What are you doing here?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Me? I was at my birthday party, but it was boring, so I came here."

"Oh, happy birthday! Eunhyuk smiled a gummy smile.

Donghae smiled and picked another strawberry.

"How old are you?"

"Seven," Donghae opened his mouth to bite into strawberry, but Eunhyuk beat him to it.


Eunhyuk smiled and handed a strawberry to Donghae. "You can call me hyung!"

"Don't wanna." Donghae bit into the strawberry, "What are you doing here?" Donghae asked.

"I live here. My family owns this strawberry patch."

"Wah! Really! I wish my family owned a strawberry patch.

"What do your parents do?"

"Appa just sits in a giant chair smoking from a pipe, while Umma gossips."

"That's no fun." Eunhyuk bit into another strawberry.

"Yea, that's why I ran out here."

"Eh, well if you ever feel like it, you can always come back."

"I will," Donghae replied.

"Next time, I'll show you our white strawberry patch."

Donghae's eyes widened, "White strawberries? They have those?"

Eunhyuk nodded.

"Okay! But right now, I should go...They're probably wondering where I am."

"Okay, wait here for a second." Eunhyuk got up and ran inside the house. In an instant Eunhuk came out with a decorated basket, "Here, pick as many strawberries, while I get you some strawberry cake.

Donghae smiled and begun picking the strawberries.

"Happy Birthday, Hae! I can call you that right?" Eunhyk held out a paper plate of strawberry cake.

Donghae nodded, "Thanks Hyukkie!" Donghae kissed Eunhyuk's cheek.

Eunhyuk blushed from the kiss and nickname.

"I'll come visit soon! It'll probably have to be at night though.

Eunhyuk nodded.

Donghae started to walk away form his new friend.

"Bye Hae!" Eunhyuk waved.

Donghae turned around and waved back.



"Henry!" Hangeng yelled.

"Ryeowook!" Heechul called.

"Ryeowook, have you seen...Henry," Hangeng looked at his children. One was in plain clothes, while the other was in Heechul's design.

"Henli..." Heechul knelt down in front of his youngest child, what are you doing in Prince Donghae's clothes?"

"He wanted to switch clothes so he could go outside," Henry smiled.

Ryeowook panicked and stomped on Henry's foot.

"Owww!" Henry started to cry.

"Ryeowook!" Hangeng scolded and took Henry into his arms.

"OUTSIDE!" Heechul raised his voice.


"Hehe, That was a yummy cake," Donghae slipped back into the garden.

"LEE DONGHAE!" Donghae heard a familiar voice.

"Uh oh..."

"You! You almost gave me a heart attack! You just disappeared!"

Heechul shook Donghae.

"Hehe, sorry."

"Thank the lord your mother or Leeteuk didn't notice. Hurry up and switch back."

Donghae nodded, "Hangeng ge, will you hide these in my room?"

Hangeng looked puzzled but obeyed the young prince anyways.


13 years later.

Donghae sighed as Chef Shindong placed a strawberry cake in front of him.

Strawberry cake. This bring back memories.

"Happy 20th Birthday!" everyone yelled.

Donghae smiled.

No matter how hard Donghae tried, he could never find the strawberry patch. Slowly, Donghae had forgotten about it, until Shindong brought out the Strawberry Cake.

Everyone waited for Donghae to take a bite out of the cake.

Donghae sighed again and bit into the cake, "It's good." Every began to cheer and smile.

But not as good as before.


Donghae sat in the garden looking at the sunset.

"Remembering?" Hangeng came up behind Donghae.

"Tsk, what is to remember?"

"The time you sneaked out to that strawberry patch, on your 7th birthday."

"Oh, that time."

"You never found it again, huh?"


"Why don't you go tonight?"

"Umma would never let me."

"Who said she had to know?"

Donghae looked at Hangeng and smiled.


"Umma, are you sure about this?" Henry asked Heechul.

"Of course! Donghae hurry up! Your care is ready!"

Donghae finished putting on his shoes and climbed into his car.

"Thanks hyung."

"How'd you get there in the first place?" Henry asked.

"Hmmm...." Donghae shrugged his shoulders, "I just stuck my finger in the air and felt the wind."

"Yah! You really are an air heard!" Heechul blew into Donghae's head.

"Ah! Hyung!"

"Umma, you were the reason he's such an airheard, hitting his head when he was younger," Ryeowook walked into the garage, "Hyung, here," Ryeowook handed Donghae the decorated basket he got from Eunhyuk 13 years ago.

"Thanks Wookie," Donghae took the basket.

"Yah, hurry up before the queen catches you." Heechul said.

Donghae nodded and started his car.

"Don't follow the wind this time!" Heechul yelled, "That's only for caves!"

Donghae laughed and put the car in drive.

"Just follow the Han River downhill, you'll eventually see it," Hangeng spoke.

Donghae nodded and put on a pair of sunglasses.

"Have fun," the happy family stepped back as Donghae drove away.

Donghae hadn't been outside the palace for five years since the war started. When the war finally ended, the people were threatening to take down his parents.

Dongahe sighed as he turned onto the road next to the river, he hoped Eunhyuk still lived there.


Donghae squinted against the setting sun. Finally he saw a giant patch of red. Donghae parked his car and got out. Quickly he walked up the steps of the house. He knocked on the door. Inside there were some foot steps before the door opened.

"Can I help you?" a handsome young man answered the door.

"Uhh...I'm here to buy some strawberries," Donghae was taken back by how handsome Eunhyuk got.

"Do you have a basket?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Yeah, I'll go get it," Donghae ran towards his car and grabbed the basket Eunhyuk gave him.

"It's $2 per pound for the red strawberries and $3 per pound for the white strawberries."

Donghae's eyes brightened behind his sunglasses as he remembered their promise, "White? Umm...I think I'll get half and half."

Eunhyuk nodded the noticed the decorated basket.

That basket...

There was suddenly an awkward silence.

"Do you own this place all by yourself?" Donghae asked, bending down to pick strawberries.

Eunhyuk nodded, "Yea, my parents did, but they died during the war,"

"Ah, my father too, he died from exhaustion a while after the war ended."

"How old are you?" Eunhyuk asked.

"Just turned 20 today."

"Eh, so you have to call me hyung."

Donghae smiled, "Don't wanna."

Eunhyuk looked at Donghae, recalling someone saying those exact same words on his birthday.

"What's your name? I'm Eunhyuk."

"Hyukki~...Donghae called.

Eunhyuk froze at the nickname.

"I'm Donghae, but you can call me Hae."

Eunhyuk swallowed, "You know the sun has almost set, you can take off your sunglasses."

Donghae took off his sunglasses and put them on his shirt collar. Then he looked up at Eunhyuk.

"Hae..." Eunhyuk whispered.

"Yah, didn't you promise to show me the white strawberries?" Donghae stood up and slipped a strawberry into Eunhyyuk's mouth.

Eunhyuk bit into the strawberry and started to cry, "You came back."

"I promised didn't I?"

Eunhyuk's tears began to pour from his eyes, "You were 13 years late!"

Donghae laughed, "Sorry, I couldn't find it again, it was too hard."

"How'd you find it in the first place?"

Donghae smiled, "Well first, I stuck a finger int my mouth, then I stuck it in the air, the wind blew, I followed it, then..." Donghae closed the gap between them and kissed Eunhyuk on the lips, "It carried me to you."

Eunhyuk blushed.

"Come on, you promised you would show me the white strawberries," Donghae whined.

Eunhyuk laughed, "You're still the same."

Eunhyuk took Donghae's hand and led him to the field behind the house.

"Hyukkie, since we're together, do I still have to pay for the strawberries?"

Eunhyuk laughed, "Of course you do, Hae! It's how I make a living!"

"But, Hyukkie," Donghae pouted.

"I'm kidding, Hae. As long as you're by my side, my heart will still beat."

Donghae's eyes widened, "Does that mean, when I go to the batheroom, you have to be there?"

"No! Hae!" Eunhyuk playfully slapped his arm.

Donghae laughed and pulled Eunhyuk into a kiss.

"Come on! I wanna see them before the sun sets!" Donghae skipped towards the white field.

Eunhyuk laughed at his lover and chased after him.

"Hae! Wait up!"

"Catch me if you can!"

Eunhyuk laughed.

The sun set, but the two lovers still began to play outside in The Strawberry Patch.


My first Eunhae fic! Hope you guys like it! It was actually a dream XD I dreamed of it last was really Hae who was my prince O.o Weird huh? Anyways hope you like it. I'm glad it turned out pretty cute. Took forever to write this XD

By The Way...Click the link for a picture of White strawberries. They really do exist, I promise.


eunhyuk, eunhae, donghae, super junior

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