So tired...I think I'll just shut my eyes for a little bit. Sungmin thought while sitting in his math class.
Sungmin normally sat in the back of the classroom, he didn't want to catch any attention. he wasn't a popular at all. Sort of...A lot of girls thought he was cute. Come on, he was freakin' handsome. Even some boys though he was kind of cute. On the outside, Sungmin was flawless. No matter what he wore or what he did, he was perfect. Though, on the inside, Sungmin liked being cute and he was sometimes an airhead.
"Ahh! He's so cute!" A girl whispered.
"Isn't he? Ugh! I wish I could just pinch his cheeks!"
"Aww the desk looks uncomfortable...he could sleep on me!"
"dang...he even looks cool when he sleeps..." A guy says.
"He kinda looks like a girl..."
"That's the point...I wouldn't mind dating him if he was a girl."
"Pfft, I guess."
Sungmin bolted upright and wiped the drool from his mouth. Finally, class is over!
Sungmin grabbed his bag and slung it over his shoulder.
"Ahh! That was sooo adorable!"
Eeep! Those girls are screaming so high >.< They're going to hurt my ears.I wonder if I have a mark on my face... Sungmin rubbed his face.
"Damn...when he walked down the hall...he looks like a model."
I wonder what I'm going to have for dinner....
"Oppa?" A girl came up to Sungmin.
"Yes?" Sungmin turned aroung.
"I made you a lunch box. I hope you like it."
"Awww thanks." Sungmin flashed a smile and walked into his classroom.
Aigoo...I'm going to get fat from trying to eat all these boxed lunches...but I don't want to hurt their feelings...ahh...oh well....I'll just work it off.
"Hurry up and get out your instruments!" the teacher instructed.
Yay! My favorite class! Sungmin began to tune his guitar.
"Alright class, I'm going to introduce a new student," a tall dark handsome man walked in.
Sungmin looked up and his heart skipped a beat.
"Why don't you introduce yoursef?"
"I'm Cho Kyuhyun. Nice to meet you."
Ohhh...He's sexy...He's even gots a sexy voice too... :3
"Oh my god, he has the sexist voice ever." A choir girl whispered.
"Do you think I could get a duet with him?"
"Hey, I heard he's like a maniac...he was expelled because he got into a fight at school. He has like the shortest temper.."
"No way? We should stay away from him.
That's mean. They're saying things about him even though they don't know him.
"Why don't you sit in the chair next to Sungmin?" The teacher instructed.
Ah! What do I do? Should I say something? Ahhhhh!!! What do I do?
Sungmin flashed Kyuhyun a smile as he sat down.
Kyuhyun smirked back at him.
Pffftt. Meanie.
"Ok, our end of the year performance is coming up, so we need to prepare for it. This time, we're going to have you guys choose what to do. You can do small groups, a big group, or a solo. It's up to you. I'll let you guys think about it this class period." The teacher stepped away from the class and sat a spinny chair to take a nap.
Ohh! Fun a solo! Maybe I'll show a new song on my guitar...Maybe I could even compose one...Oh! Or maybe piano!
"Yah! Wanna be my partner?" Kyuhyun spoke up.
"Eh?" Sungmin snapped out of his thoughts.
"Wanna be my partner?" Kyuhyun leaned closer.
"Actually I was planning to go solo." Sungmin smiled.
"Too bad, you're doing it with me," Kyuhyun leaned back into his chair.
"I said, you're going to do it with me," Kyuhyun raised his voice.
The class went silent.
"Whoa...that came out really wrong man.." A guy spoke up.
"Hey! Don't provoke each other! Do it on your own time!" The teacher spoke up.
Kyuhyun scowled, "You better be good at the guitar."
Sungmin pouted inside. Meanie butt. He better be good. Sungmin turned towards his guitar and began plucking away.
Comments are lurved. Hope someone reads this XP.