Apr 11, 2012 14:26
Hey there, everyone! Just a note to say that I'm not dead and that things are going better for me here in the land of Springtime and Pollen.
The money from Dad's estate is starting to come in. I'm just really glad that it will hopefully all be taken care of soon.
Spending far too much time RPing on Tumblr which is not nearly as satisfying as Journal-based RPing but it has its charm.
I am still writing away...more ideas than ability to type them. So many fics. Most of them Homestuck. Whew!
Still journeying along my Wiccan/Pagan pathway. I'm not entirely satisfied with my progress but I'm taking it easy on myself.
Next month, I'm going to app Blossom Culp to Milliways. I'm looking forward to playing there again.
AAAannnd that's about it. I'm real distractedy lately but I figured I'd take some time to post here. ...I should probably go do DreamWidth too...
lunchtime posty thing