Apr 20, 2005 20:46
wow i really never update this thing..
i'll try to keep things short..
these have been my weekends since my last update:
no community night friday.. i hadn't been to Yg in so long it just felt weird going.. steve stopped by for a little while.. watched Chasing Amy- effffing funny movie
Steve's "Roast" on sat nite.. SOOO funny haha<33
left for vegas firday morning.. lauren came out sat afternoon cuz she stayed for lauren dzwill's sweet 16... maaaad fun.. it was really awesome seeing it for the 1st time.. i love traveling, i really do.. every place i have visited is just so unique. i totallly understand why they call it Sin City now haha.. EVERY1 smokes, gambeling EVERYWHERE, show grls and hotel waitresses might as well not wear clothes, and there are mexicans on every corner handing out cards for strippers... o and outside of the city apparentally prostitution is legal lol. ..we pretty much just walked the strip and visited all the the wellknown hotels.. it was awesome.
i found out while i was away that john carp had died.. but it didnt actually hit me till i went back to school on tuesday.. i think i'm still a little in shock.. i've never questioned my faith as much as i did that week.. and i still dont have the answeres i wish i did :-/ :-( R.I.P.<3
this past weekend was desperately needed..
friday.. went to starbucks w/ mad people.. nathan walked me over to elise's for GS.. sean came over after and me, elise, been and sean walked to 711.. back to elise's.. sean and been left... me and elise walked to shoprite to visit kyle.. sean met us at shoprite.. we got kyle in trouple w/ satan herself haha sorry kylee :-( ..walked to been's w/ sean and elise.. jill was there and klye showed up later.. hung out, built a fort :-), played air hokey.. kyle will be beaten if its the last thing i do on this earth lol, maaad intense pokemon showdown between elise and sean.. that been ruined haha, then we hung out and talked. i <3 those kiddies :-)
saturday nite my aunt and uncle came over and we watched home videos of my uncle lenny and aunt lois in Eurpoe. it was kinda weird seeing her but not having her be there :-(. i'm really excited to go to Europe this summer... it looks so beautiful.. i think this is gonna be the best vacation yet. i cant wait.
sunday i had sea cadets.. marching drills- i hate mcgaulpine, PT.. i ache alllllll over :-(, lunch, moving/cleaning out the whole storage room... me and megan were sent to hell.. dirty old utility boot-sorting hell that is.. haha goood timess lol... dropping mexicans over cuba? lmfaooo haha oman i <3 those guys
monday was yg for a 1st time in a loooonnnngg time.. felt good to be back
tuesday.. bear mountain trip- sooooooooooo much fun, went alll the way to the top yeaaahuhh :-D, fell asleep bus ride home<3 ..so sore, so tired, so sweaty dirty and gross.. went STRAIGHT to gary's NO SHOWER, NO SLEEP, NO CHANGE OF CLOTHES.. then STRAIGHT to the JEW/TRBS concert. if thats not hxc i dont know what is. loll
the concert was AWESOME ..the bands were great and i had an awesome time
2day after school steve took me along to go get the soda's for international nite.. stopped at Ralph's.. stopped by nicole's to wish her a happy birthday :-) ..drove me home ..layed down for a min ..nathan called and i met him at laurel.. took a walk.. sat down in the park for a lil while.. walked home
i still ache from sunday.. plus the hiking of the mountain, mosh pits, and crowd surfing aches and pains.. getting home at 12:30 and once again i am now going to bed at 12..
basically i hurt all over and i'm exhausted..
but i've gotta say.. it's been mad fun
later losers :-P