Nov 23, 2007 20:31
man, this week has been insane, but good insane, we have been slammed, and we are getting reccomendations from people and our coientele is jumping. which is all good, finally not using drills, and doing things right is getting us where i want to be, i may soon need more square footage and a few more techs, 4 just isn't going to cut it soon.
which makes it even funnier when someone calls to bitch about my shirts, which in case you are wondering happened again today, some stupid guy calls, saying our shirts are offensive, he expects to see that kind of garbage in nyc but we are in *hershey* duh dipshit either that or the real estate agent lied about where my house is, he proceeds to tell me he is a man (again duh) and has regular sex (umm prove it?) and it is offensive to him, i obviously have no kids, and don't know what it means to have teenagers...umm ok so my house has been invaded by small humans, and apparently none are my children. he asks what i think my shirts actually mean, i said well ummm we do nails here and they are about getting ones nails done, well he explains it is obvious to him they have sexual entandre....really now? do you actually think i am doing hand jobs in the back room. to that he replies that it is obvious i don't have male clientele...umm again poor assumption as i have a fairly large regular male contingency. seems he likes to make assumptions and they are wrong in every instance. butr it was a hilarious conversation never the less. i find it funny he needs to assure me of his stellar sex life, while berating me for my about an ass.