Jan 01, 2007 19:43
Do you drink milk?: nope
Do you prefer apple or orange juice?: Orange Juice!
How many clocks are in your house?: many
How about the room yer in right now?: 2
How often do you check your email?: daily
Do you live by yourself?: nope, I am either with my family or my girls!
What's the most you've ever won on a scratcher?: 5 dollars
What's the nearest food to you right now?: crackers
Do you know what a plecostamous is?: No
Have you ever watched a sunrise rise over the ocean?: seen it set...
How many messages are in your inbox/outbox on your phone?: 37- i need to clean out the inbox
Do you prefer wooden or mechanical pencils?: Wooden
What's on your feet right now?: slipper socks with tassels
Do you have one best friend, or a lotta good friends?: A lotta good friends
Snapple or SoBe?: neither
Where do you buy birthday/christmas cards?: target or halmark
What's your take on "puppy love"?: good for dogs
Do you enjoy breaking hearts?: no, who does?
What date/time was the last text you recieved?: 1:30am
When's the last time you sent a text?: last night at 12:30
Do you believe there is only one "right" religion?: yeah i think so
What's your favorite planet, besides this one?: Which one? was Pluto...
Does anything special happen for you on March 15th?: my mom's B-day
If u could get back in touch w/ a person u've lost touch w/ who would it b?: I think i got in touch with everyone i really wanted to get in touch with...
What type of internet connection do you use?: I dunno, my dad changes it regularly
Do you vote for city-related issues?: never home
Do u say 'ya'll' 'u guys' 'dudes' or somethin else when talkin to a group?: ya'll, sometimes guys
Would you want marijuana legalized if it meant alcohol would be illegal?: no
Have you ever been to the Vatican?: No
Have u ever waved at someone who was waving at u, only to find they werent?: yep
What did you do?: blushed and looked away....
How many remote controls are in your house, and what are they for?: at least four and I have no clue
Do you mainly use use your house phone or your cell phone?: Cell phone
How many 2005 calenders are in your house?: None?
Do you take baths or showers?: Showers
Do you take quizzes in magazines?: for fun
Do you buy bananas when they're green so they won't go bad as fast?: yes
Do you do anything for a bad sunburn?: aloe vera
Do use mouthwash? If so, what kind?: Rno
What noises reach your ears right now?: tournament of roses parade on TV
Have you ever been to Grand Canyon?: Yep!
Have you ever been to a national park (i.e. Yellowstone, Yosemite, etc)?: Yep! all those family driving vacations...
How old are your parents?: old enough
Does anyone have the keys to your heart?: yeah I think so,
Have you ever had to run for your life?: I though so once, but no, turns out it was the police...
Is there an empty place in your heart?: no
Have you ever been to a family reunion?: no, my family doesn't do that
Do you meditate?: I should
If ur bf/gf cheated on u and REALLY apologized, would u take them back?: i guess that depends
Is it all about YOU?: is what about me?
If you could hug one person right now, who would it be?: my mom
When you say "often" do you pronounce the "T" or leave it silent?: no T
Do you count down the days till anything?: till school end/starts/vacation
Has anyone ever given you jewelery on Christmas?: yep- earings
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