Jun 01, 2008 13:23
Leading into our parlor are a pair of 2 very heavy swinging doors. They are quite old and made from some form of dark wood and have 2 rows of glass panes running from top to bottom on it. The glass panes are about 10 inches by 5 inches and make the door a tad pretty.
They have also attacked me. Yesterday a friend walked into the room and let the door swing closed behind him. Now having been hit in the face with this swinging door before I did not want a repeat performance and put my hand up palm forward to stop the door. I hand landed smack in the middle of one of the panes of glass and I dont know if it was weak or cracked or what but my hand went straight through it.
I was surprised as hell to see my hand sticking through the door into the other room, and even more surprised to see my hand bleeding from several places. I was also covered in glass. it was in my hair and all over my arms and clothes. there was even 1 little half inch bugger I had to pull out of the biggest wound.
Im all good. I could've gone to the hosptial and they would have probably put a stitch or 2 in the biggest of the wounds but in reality all the wounds are small and the big one stopped bleeding after an hour or so and are all bandaged up nicely.
lesson learned. hands through plate glass windows only works well in movies.