[OH HEY HERE'S YOUR FRIENDLY NEIGHBOURHOOD OLD MAN JOHN DOE. He hasn't said anything in a while, has he?... Wait, what? Doesn't this feel fami-- Oh, never mind. This video comes from him, anyway, smiling as always.]
I am pleased to note that this weekend appears, so far, to be fairly normal. Let us hope it continues this way.
Although, truthfully... A two-day gap in everyone's memory is not something to be ignored, especially considering that it has happened before. I can say with certainty that at least one of my Pokémon learned a new attack during that time, as well. Has anybody put forth any theories as to what has happened?
[Private text to Nanao, sent by Shelly de Killer:]
My apologies for the delay, miss. If you are still interested, may we meet in the National Park?