May 09, 2004 15:08
do u know what it feels like to have someone tell u that u ruined their life? that everything that is going on wrong in their life is your fault. EVERY time i am happy with myself, happy with my life you just make me feel like i am shit. Im sorry that im busy and i wish that you could be in my place and see what my life is like, how much stuff i have to do daily and how it feels to loose touch with someone for a week and come wanting to talk to them and just read how much they hate you? Im sorry if u dont like who i am.. im just fucking me. Im MIchelle Christine Crump i cannot be anyone different. If u hate me, u need to say this to my face. Im sick of reading it or hearing it from other people. If our relationship is shitty and im ruining ur life SAY IT TO ME. I am who i am i cant be anyone else. I Love you and u know that, i just i really dont know how to deal with this drama anymore. we need to get past this or if i really make u scream thinking about me, maybe move on from eachother. I dont know how to say goodbye to you, i really dont.but if u really feel that way about me.. maybe its for the best. You know who you are.