I don't want to hear any more from the haters.

Nov 17, 2007 14:57

First of all, GO BUCKS! Way to beat that team up north!! 14-3! Muahahah! The atmosphere on campus is going to be 924859287 times better than last week...

Speaking of last week...


The Illinois player fumbled the ball before he hit the ground and went out of bounds, and the ball stayed in bounds, where an OSU player recovered it. It should have been our ball. Instead, the refs gave it to Illinois on the 2 yard line, and the following play they made a touchdown. It was our ball! Why didn't they challenge it?! The final score was Illinois 28, OSU 21. If the refs had made the right call, it most likely would have changed the entire outcome of the game. We would have gotten the ball, they wouldn't have made that touchdown, and following the remaining sequence of events we would have at least tied, if not won. I'm just mad because I feel like we got jipped out of a perfect season by those crappy refs (who made bad calls the whole game in addition to this one), AND it was our last home game of the season. UGH.

UPDATE 11/18/07:
I didn't put this in the entry before because I wasn't sure if it was true, but my dad confirmed to me today that it was in the newspaper that the officals for the OSU-Illinois game were scheduled to be suspended for that weekend's games... According to my dad, "Why they would have them work the OSU-Illinois game if they were going to be suspended makes no sense!" He also heard a story that the replay machine 'froze' in the official replay booth so whoever was in charge of reviewing that play, couldn't review it.

We were robbed.

In other news, these are hilarious:

http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1784347 (Thanks to Sujie for sharing that one on facebook!)

This one I just happened to stumble upon: http://www.collegehumor.com/video:1734043

And thanks to Jon for showing me this other Soulja Boy vid: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rvDbVFB2iUE

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