Okay, so I've had a pretty crappy day today (fight with bf, long day at work in which I got nothing accomplished, a whole lot of anxiety when I thought someone had stolen my cell phone in 7-Eleven until I found out I'd just dropped it under the seat in my car) but it is totally better now because I JUST WATCHED THE SEASON 3 PREMIERE OF VERONICA MARS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes, a whole week and a day early. It's supposed to be streamed on MSN tomorrow, but some fantastically kind soul at TWoP found a way to link to it early. And it is so great. And...
the beginning's kind of slow, but it picks up and the ending is classic VM. The L/V scenes were cute, but didn't make me squee as much as I normally would. I felt bad for Kendall, though. And Keith!
Oh, and guess what? I really, really like Piz. I didn't think I would, but he's okay. I don't know about him and V, though. I'll probably post more when I've watched it another couple hundred times.
The only bad thing about watching it early? I now have to wait 2 freakin' weeks for a new episode!
So all of my favorite shows (ANTM, VM, GA, and DH) have all had excellent premieres. I'm so excited for this TV season! :)