Jul 30, 2004 12:53
yeah.. actually at the Portland Radio Group. So bored right now. Hardly anyone else is here so I'm having time to update. I actually really like it because I can just sit here at the desk, answer the occassional phone call, read my book (Christabella, I love it so far!) and drink coffee and diet coke. Eww. No- not at the same time. Grossness.
After work yesterday I went over to Stosh's apt for a bit and then we headed to the Old Port for some dindin. I hate indecisive people. Oh wait a sec, I'M the queen of indecisiveness... but after walking a lap and a half around Fore and Commercial Street, we (*cough* I *cough*) decided on "Salsa," a Mexican Restaurant. The food was okay- it would've been really bland if it hadn't been for the array of hot sauces on the table.
Then we got ice cream. MMMMM ice cream.
At his apt we watched "Hildago." Pretty horses. Yeah- an okay flick- I think it could've been better with a different director, but the scenery/photography was beautiful.
Night of Broadway tonight!