Aug 28, 2007 08:52
So, Pittsburgh is a pretty awesome time.
Once Nothing are really sweet, genuine dudes.
So far, I'm nailing everything.
Cole and I are sticking around so we can go to the show they have with Showbread on Wednesday night.
It will be Dave's last show with ON, and it's bound to be a party.
I'm looking forward to it.
Dave's been really awesome.
We sat down last night for probably an hour or so, and he ran me through all of the parts that I was iffy on.
I'll practice the stuff more today, and then I'll kill it at practice this afternoon.
The pre-production stuff for their full-length sounds good.
It's nothing groundbreaking, but it's a good time.
If you want groundbreaking, check out the new BTBAM album.
I'm clicking with pretty much everyone.
I'm pretty stoked.
I've met a lot of rad people, and I ate amazing wings last night at a place downtown called Fatheads.
I miss my bebe.
I love you tons.
I'm excited for your our chiwayway.
You need to name that tiny beeb.
I love you all.
It seems that I like to forget that LJ exists.
I haven't updated in a long time with any actual news, because absolutely nothing's been going on in my life.
I've been living in Crawfordsville.
That says it all right there.
I moved back to Indy almost 2 weeks ago, and it's amazing to be back, and to be around so many good people.
I've really missed seeing friends, even if just for a few moments a day.
I love my brothers.
So, just to reiterate:
I love my bebe.
I love you all.
I love my brothers.
I love life.
I love Jesus.
That's all I've got for now.
Be blessed.
****Just to add a little bit of spice to this post.
When we were downtown last night (on the south side) walking into Fatheads, we were approached by a black lady that was walking with a cane. She was like "Can you please spare a quarter to help me feed my 2-year-old daughter? We're living under a bridge, and she hasn't eaten in 2 days." We just kept walking. Todd said he didn't have any money. Obviously, he's used to dealing with these kinds of things on a regular basis, so he didn't buy her story, and almost caught a little attitude when he told her he was broke himself. As we started to walk away, she yelled at him, and I don't remember exactly what she said, but it was something like, "Don't you f*cking get smart and walk away from me! I'll knock you in the back of the head with my f*cking cane! I'm in that kinda mood tonight!" We crossed the street, and she went on her way, ranting to herself.