Before I Keep Putting This Off...

Mar 04, 2009 22:49

This is testimony to the fact my dreams are weird and that I have a sick fascination with death. Not to the point where I want to make it happen. Whether that be myself of someone else. Anyway this dream was a couple of nights ago. Here we go:

I was someone’s assistant but at the same time I felt she was my friend (from real life). But her face was always faded in my dream so I don't remember who it was. She acted like Miranda Priestly (Meryl Streep) out of ‘The devil wears Prada’. I had to do all her jobs, chores, drive her around, wait on her hand and foot while she partied and did business.

At one point we were on a cruise. I was on a small lower class tug boat while she was on the big expensive ship. I was with the other assistances. The ships were pretty far apart. One of the assistances tried to swim to the other boat but she disappeared. The water was freezing so she was probably dead. But no one cared or they were too scared to leave the boat without permission.

Somehow I managed to get on the other ship. The bosses were all in a hot tub, drink as. We had to go or she would be late for a meeting. Since the other assistant died we had to take the assistant-less boss with us. He was male. We went to a red sports car and I got in the front to drive, while they went in the back. I drove them down a very curvy road. In the end I missed the turning and had to go back.

The new road was curvy too but a dirt road. I went round one turning which was similar to a rollercoaster where people are parallel to the ground. On this turning I hit the curve and crashed the car. My boss was not impressed. The other boss disappear, got no idea where he went. A police officer was suddenly there. Saying it wasn't too bad and I'd just get a warning.

Then my dream changed. But the setting was the same. I was still at the accident. But I wasn't an assistant. People, dark figures or shadows, were coming after me. I ran. An alleyway appeared out of nowhere. I ran down it and turned the corner. There were a lot of wooden crates everywhere. Suddenly there was a BANG! And I fell to the ground, some crates falling on top of me. I had been shot. But I was still alive.

Words ran through my head as the figures surrounded me. I think that was there way of talking. The words: Poison, radiation, gun point, strangling, stabbing... I think they were discussing how to finish the job.

Suddenly the dream changed again. The scene was the same though it was obvious there had been a change in time. This was later... but how much later I’m not sure. I was someone else. A black guy here to investigate a murder (my murder I think).

One of the guys on the team was drilling in the pavement. A girl's body (my body) had been chucked the in cement. I (the black guy) had to go into the hole and bag/tag the evidence. I found my lip balm, phone, mirror, a bullet, and some other stuff. Most of it being stuff I use in real life. I was trying to work out what happened to the girl. Suddenly I had an idea. The nerve endings would tell me! (As crazy as that is XD) They were stuck to the cement on the wall of hole. But it more like glitter pens or something. I was trying to read them while I had a feeling the shadows were returning. I looked up at something and suddenly...

I woke up. A cat fight at 6am woke me up... not pleased.

How weird was that? Meaning? I focus too much on death and will result in my own? *shrugs* It got really confusing near the end. I knew I should be me... but I was the black guy.

BTW this amount of detail is normal for my dreams, as is the length. There was actually a whole lot more detail than I can be bother going into. But I’m going to bed. Good night everyone!

weird, dreams, death

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