Swiped this from
autumndandelion 001. Real name ? Michelle Taylor
002. Nickname(s)? Shell Mel, Shell, Bells, Pea (after the English coin), Scooby, buggy
003. Zodiac sign ? Cancer
004. Male or female ? Female
005. Elementary ? Para Hills/ Two Wells... I moved...
006. Middle School ? Doesn't exist here
007. High School ? Gawler HIgh School
008. Hair color ? brown
009. Tall or short ? average
010. Loud or Quiet ? Mostly quiet but I have my moments.
011. Sexual orientation ? Straight.
012. Phone or Camera ? Have both. But prefer phone
013. Health freak ? HA HA HA!! You must be joking. My diet is far from healthy freak standards.
014. Drink or Smoke? ? Drink.
015. Do you have a crush on someone? Currently dating said crush.
016. Eat or Drink ? Drink
017. Piercings ? one in each ear.
018. Tattoos ? None.
019. Been in an airplane ? Had to to get to Australia. I was born in Scotland.
020. Been in a relationship ? currently in second relationship.
021. Been in a car accident ? >_<... Yes.
022. Been in a fist fight ? Many times. Wanna take a guess at who won? ^_^
023. First piercing ? 5. I think...
024. First best friend ? Anita Drage...
025. First award ? Something to do with mats
026. First crush ? A boy named Michael Baker...
028. First big vacation ? Never big ones... but I go camping a lot. So... Deep Creek. Beautiful place. Just recently went there on the weekend.
029. Last person you talked to ? My dad
030. Last person you texted ? Sarah Brain
031. Last person you watched a movie with ? My family.
032. Last food you ate ? Soggy Weet-bix... still eating them.
033. Last movie you watched ? The Craft
034. Last song you listened to ? Deeper and Deeper by Madonna
035. Last thing you bought ? stuff for camping trip
036. Last person you hugged ? My mummy
037. Food ? Chocolate!
038. Drinks ? Ice chocolate!
039. Clothing ? Daggy guy cloths but I like girly clothes too. I just prefer by daggy stuff.
040. Books ? Anything fiction!!!
041. Music ? Evanescence, Pink, Linkin Park, Michael Jackson, Papa Roach, Phil Collins... and so many more!
042. Flower ? Anything that isn't poison or that makes me itchy.
043. Actor ? Hugh Laurie, Denzel Washington, Bruce Willis, Russel Crow... and a couple more but can't really focus on names right now.
044. Movies ? TMNT, Gladiator, Alien Series, Predator Series, AVP series, Any Denzel Movies, DareDevil
045. Positions ? ...?
046. Subjects ? In school? Psychology! Technology subjects! English... Just when I got a good teacher that is.
IN 2008..... I
047. kissed in the snow: no
048. celebrated Halloween: Every Year without fail. I went around school as a vampire in year 11. Scared the hell out of people. Not just the students.
049. had your heart broken: No...
050. went over the minutes on your cell phone: no
051. someone questioned your sexual orientation: not this year
052. came out of the closet: no
053. gotten into fight: Verbal? Many. Physical? Not this year.
054. had a transformation: Sort of.
055. done something you've regretted: Yes
056. broke a promise: Sadly yes.
057. hid a secret: Yes
058. pretended to be happy: Yes
059. met someone who changed your life: yes
060. pretended to be sick: yes
061. left the country: No.
062. tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it: No
063. cried over the silliest thing: Yep... Its the sign of a breakdown. Had a few last year.
064. ran a mile: Sure! Then I battle a clan of ninjas, climbed 100 floors and slayed the dragon!!! ... Oh... You meant in real life? Then no. XD
065. went to the beach with your best friend(s): No
066. stay single the whole year: nope. Found myself a boy with a little help.
067. Eating ? Just finished my weet-bixs
068. Drinking ? Water
069. I'm about to ? Brush my teeth
070. Listening to ? The refrigerator
071. Plans for today ? Relaxing. Catching up on LJ (again), DA (Again), Rp's, and a little drawing hopefully.
072. Waiting for ? nothing
073. Want kids? I wouldn't mind kids
074. Want to get married? Only if I find the right guy.
075. Careers in mind ? Teaching Technology (Woodwork, metalwork, plastics, electronics and tech graphics)
076. Lips or eyes ? Eyes
077. Shorter or taller? ? Doesn't matter.
078. Romantic or spontaneous ? either
079. Nice stomach or nice arms ? Nice arms
080. Sensitive or loud ? Sensitive
081. Hook-up or relationship ? Relationship
082. Trouble-maker or hesitant ? maybe a little of both
083. Lost glasses/contacts ?never... had any to lose that is.
084. Ran away from home ? Nope...
085. Hold a gun/knife for self defense ? In self defense? No. But I've been to a shooting range and am currently studying dagger fighting at my dojo.
086. Killed somebody ? No
087. Broken someone's heart ? Yes
088. Been arrested ? No... That involves getting caught.
089. Cried when someone died ? Yes
090. Yourself ? sometimes
091. Miracles ? sometimes
092. Love at first sight ? no.
093. Heaven ? yes
094. Santa Claus ? No
095. Sex on the first date ? no
096. Kiss on the first date ? If you really like the guy.
097. Is there one person you want to be with right now? yes
098. Are you seriously happy with where you are in life? ? no
099. Do you believe in God ? I believe in something but I wouldn't call it god.
100. I tag anyone who wishes to do this