LifE cOuLd nOt gEt nE wOrsE***

Feb 21, 2006 20:44

SCHOOL*** I got a 91 on my 6 weeks test**therefor I got a A in Algebra***2 block i just hate that class**3rd block Ms.Gibson is crazy CAN I GET A AMAN(Heather??) 4th I hate Josh P. and Jessie M. hid my shoe and then would give it back then ran away and made fun of***

FRIENDS()()()()I have never been or felt so bad in my life**Some of my friends hate each other but r like hi to there face and and then i just mad and ran my mouth bout somethin i should have and now i feel really bad**just i am so sick of this its like HEY there face then they tell things bout my other friends GOD HELP***If ne one can help or if they know what i am talkin HELP me I just dont know I love all of them just i never run my mouth and if ur my friend u know that && i did today just b/c i dont know** But me && Lauren r really good**AND me and Ya Chang made thank gosh***Srry bout that Ya Chang**

SOFTBALL_____Its fun as it can get***I got moved into infield to day YES** I hate outfilde(did I spell that right) ne ways *** I am ready 4 softball** We have 19 JV games and like a billion Varsity games** so i am happy**I busted my face 100 times to day**If u were only there**

Family****My mom is helping with my softball she is really good at softball so i am happy**My brother hes playing baseball i hope he does good***My daddy I LOVE him**

Love Life^~^^~^ I don't even want talk bout that**


I face hurts**

I want be home schooled

School is way to much GAY crap**

I went to church

Does ne one want buy A candle or something out of this NASTY book 4 FBLA**

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