Jul 23, 2003 16:27
Today has been a bleh-y day.
I had to go pretend to be taking an air sample this morning for a video camera. Yuck. I hate cameras! WORSE, this footage is going into the new EH&S video for employee orientation. :( Yuck. I hope I never have to see it.
I have been working on paperwork and crap today all day. I have a long list of things I need to finish by Friday evening so we're ready for our mock-survey next week. (Read: Get the hell ready for an audit). This also means that I have to do DAILY inspections next week. Yuck.
Sky and I were supposed to hang out with Star and Nuada yesterday.. well they came over and left before I ever got home. Were supposed to do something today also, but they came and got Sky and my car, went to the Galleria, and they left for home before ever coming to pick me up from work. Now Sky's stuck in West Houston with my car and Ludwig and has no idea how to get around over there. And I don't get to see S or N again! There's a possibility of doing something with them this evening, but we'll see I guess.
I joined a new community for the hell of it, and spent lunchtime updating my interests list by using the nifty "Modify yours" link on friends' pages. Other people had things listed that I was interested in, but hadn't thought of. So now it's a little more complete.
Plans for this weekend are up in the air again, as one of the friends we were supposed to hang out with at the Expo has to work on Saturday. Now I'm not real sure what's going on. These kinds of things make me wonder why I even bother to plan. I shouldn't, but sure as I don't, seventy things come up for the same weekend and no one can decide which one to do.
I have a brisket in the freezer that I need to cook some time. I've halfway entertained in my mind the idea of having a get together at the apartment either in Mid-August (16th, probably) or mid-September. I guess we'll have to see what's going on.
Aug. the 16th is supposed to be an important date, but I'm not entirely sure that it will carry the level of significance it was going to initially. We'll have to see, I suppose.
We're supposed to be going to Schlitterbahn next weekend (Aug. 2). Hopefully those plans remain intact, cause Schl. is a lot of fun.