(no subject)

Feb 15, 2006 22:39

So, tonight was overall a pretty sweet night.

I always enjoy my wendsday nights, mostly because of the amazing talks Josh has with us at CCC. But i also really like the variety of people that tend to join me. My usuals are most always Ev, Jessica, and Kelsey.

Probably my most favorite part about the whole night is the car ride from the church to chik fil a and then home. we have the best talks. i can't even begin to explain how amazing those girls are. They don't just settle for what people throw at them. They ask questions and i am SO proud of them.

To my girls,
you guys honestly compeletly make my day when you come to me and tell me that you WANT to come to church with me. It makes me want to cry to think how much you three have grown. Just the fact that you have the interest to come makes me feel like everything in my life is worthwhile. i feel like you guys have become my best friends and i can't even explain how happy and excited i get to think you may be growing in Christ. It doesn't matter what decisions you make. i am overwhelmed with joy just from of your presence. Thank you SO much for being who you are and being curious and doing something about it. Your probably my biggest role models. :)

Anyway i just want to let everyone know..that it is killing my arms and hands to write in here becase of the dang 6 and 9's at guard. innsane.

Only a SHORT 126 days, 22 hours and 23 minutes until Belize :) i absolutly cannot wait to hug on all of those kids that never stop smiling :)

Valentines day was amazing and speaking of amazing i am going to have an amazing weekend! Saturday the aquarium, saturday night max's party; sunday horseback riding :):) yeayeay!! No guard at all! i love guard and everything but it's nice to get a weekend off :)

OH and i broke my nose. lol it sucks and hurts, but i am kind of excited cause it's the first bone i've ever broken. hahaha. :) (and i got a concusion to go with it!)

Time for bed!! thanks for listening :)
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