Nothing can stop us

May 05, 2005 16:31

I'm really fucking happy. I've noticed some people hate it when I am, people are already trying to tear him and I apart. What do we do?? We laugh then hug and kiss. If you don't like it fuck off, I'm not a follower I do, and have always done my own thing. I work an amazing job that ive held... I get my 5 dollar raise in a few weeks. I have an amazing new boyfriend and who'd of thought it'd be him and so quickly after jack. Jack was hell. I feel like my spirit has done a complete 180. It feels really good. I'm never touching another hard drug. Soon I want to TRY to stop smoking but its really hard.
I'm losing weight. I havent been stressed out. Other than finding out alot of bad news about my grandmothers health and that my step dad accidently ran over one of my cats at their house. I'm extreamly determined to get my car in the next 3 to 4 months.
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