Feb 20, 2008 10:59
So, stuff is going on in my life, but nothing really noteworthy. Here's a bit of a catch up about what else happened in January, though... Oh, and my new place is actually working out reasonably well inspite of the issues I had finding somewhere to live in only 3 days of house-hunting. So now I'm hoping I don't have to move for a few years. Have to buy bookshelves and procure a table from some friends, but otherwise am all moved in and unpacked. I'll get photos online as soon as I've bought a new modem which allows uploading (my old modem is being stupid and won't let me upload any large files...sigh*). Anyway.
On January 14 I started my new job. I'm working as a Cancer Genetic Counsellor in a major public hospital in Sydney. I'm in a team with another counsellor and two doctors. We're pretty damn busy all the time, so I've been experiencing a very sharp learning curve - we only spent about two weeks learning about cancer genetics in class last year, and I've still only scratched the surface of the rarer disorders after a month on the job.
In terms of my training, I have now completed Part 1 certification. I still have to complete Part 2, but that is an on-going process which will take at least two years, probably 3 or maybe 4, depending how I go at it. I have to write up a set number of case studies for families I see at work, including a huge amount of literature review work and so on. It's a lot of work, but necessary to progress in the field.
That's pretty much it. I'm back in Sydney, my job is going well, it's great being so close to my friends again although I do miss Melbourne a lot. I need to buy a car ASAP - hopefully within the next month. *crosses fingers on finding a good deal*
* I'm connected with ADSL2+ now, but using my original ADSL1 modem from 2002. It was working fine last year in Melbourne, but now it won't allow significant uploads - even big posts to forums can stall it. And yes, I know it is the modem, because I switched in a different one (on loan from my mother) and everything worked perfectly. Stupid old modem. I'd planned to replace it, but in a few months once I had some more $$ saved. But I have to buy one NOW now, which kinda sucks (but not the superspeedyinternet it will give me. Oh no, that's something I'm really looking forward to).
For instance: I've had to email this to myself at work. Because apparently uploading an email this size is ok, but posting to LJ isn't.