Jan 25, 2008 12:24
It's been a while since I last posted. I sit and try and find something exciting to write but nothing much ever happens in reality. No lottery win, no gorgeous, hunky demon hunter in a 67 Chevy Impala knocking on the door, no NCIS agent or curly haired mathematician either. Just same old life! The thought of turning 40 scares the crap out of me too because what have I done with my life.....zip that's what lol!
So here it is...prepare to fall asleep!
Christmas went pretty much without a hitch. The bitch from hell only got annoying in the evening after single handed polishing off around 3 bottles of red wine and telling my father in law what name he had on his forehead when we were playing silly games. Mikey, my son, had a brilliant day. He spent most of the time downstairs with us and even laughed and danced to High School Musical 2 (one word about that film - Why?!) From that point of view it was the best Christmas I could have had.
New Year was just as quiet as ever other year, even with my mum and brother here as well. We nearly lost mum last 3 January when she died twice from complications from pneumonia so I was determined she would be here this year to spend it with us. I just about managed to stay awake until midnight. Funny how new year seems to mean less and less each year when you are not prancing about in some stuffy pub, half naked and totally pissed up. Sorry just reminiscing!!
A few weeks ago some stupid cow decided that the brightest idea of the week was to pull out of a service station, without looking and indicating, across two lanes of very busy traffic directly into our path. The bang was so loud, it freaked me out. After checking the kids were OK I was mad, really mad and stormed off to give the person a piece of my mind. Ended up feeling really sorry for the passenger who freaked and had a panic attack about the accident. Thankfully everyone was OK and the car is currently being repaired. We have a courtesy Chevy Captiva which I must admit is one of the best cars I have ever driven so when I get a spare £17,000 I am getting one.
The central heating packed up on thankfully not too cold a day this month. £130 for a valve, not too bad. Much worse was being told we need a new boiler and water tank that could cost us £5,000. Oh sodding wonderful.
My daughter Katie has just started preschool, 2 mornings a week and she is loving it. I am lucky if she says goodbye to me before she is off playing. Yesterday morning she said to me "Mummy, can I go and play with my little friends now". So cute. On arriving her "boyfriend" came over and promptly slapped her and she thought it was great. She made biscuits apparently so Mark tells me but they never made it out of the school gate as Katie decided they were hers and hers alone. Ah well.
The news of Heath Ledger's death for some reason has hit me a bit. I knew who he was and I have seen him in a few things but I never really paid that much attention. The fact he was so young and that scares me. I believe sincerely it was accident but still it could have been a cry for help. Been there and it is not nice. It made me think about how fragile life is even when you are famous, rich and have the world at your feet.
Really I am not sure what I would do if I didn't spend my time chatting to friends and reading fanfic. I think I would just implode at times. Mark regularly ribs me about why I think it would be cool if Jared/Jensen and Sam/Dean were having sex. I tell him I gotta have some exciting in my life or my brain would shut up shop and move out. I am so lucky he never freaks out at the stuff I read lol! It is all harmless fun until it affects the guys which judging by comments Jared makes is not likely to be any time soon lol! I wish he would kiss Jensen in public!
Just three months until Asylum and I can't wait especially now Steve Carlson is gonna be there. I am so excited about that. He has the most amazing voice and whilst I adore Jason too, Steve is the one for me. I am definitely gonna pluck up the courage to have my photos done with them. I have already had mini freak outs about a photo with Jared but at the moment I am cool with it. I have been on a diet and exercise regime for a while to feel better about myself but I have lost a bit too much weight so I am trying to put it back on. Why is it that when you lose weight your boobs disappear first! I mean there is a tyre around my bum and waist so why can't it go from there eh? Leave the cleavage alone!
Well I think I have bored myself. Now where is that tv boyfriend of mine....DEAN!!