Mar 19, 2001 19:01
So there is this dream that I keep having. And it is always the same......
I'm sitting in class, in my scrubs, and we have to write a poem about a potato. And then we have to get up onto this stage with a live band and sing our poem to the class. After going through my dream book and looking up everything, I have come ot this uneducated diagnosis of what this dream means......
I will soon have security and serenity, great success, and that my troubles will soon fade away. Also that I will find happiness in a new social situation, make interesting new friends, have an increase in popularity with members of the opposite sex (which last time I checked would be boys), and happiness in love. On a less positive note it means that I must start asserting myself in a more positive way, and that I have reluctance to break old associations.
Hmmmm, now what does this all mean? I don't know, but I thought it was interesting.
Any-ways, I had a final today in a class, and I got a B+ on it. Not as good as I'd hoped, but I did pass very well still.
OK, off to eat dinner!