Feb 28, 2010 19:00

Awwwww, look atcha. Ain't you all gorgeous? I could just eat you all up.


I like capslock. I don't know why it gets such a bad rap REALLY I DON'T.

So, things I have done include I have tagged all my LJ entries ever ever. Tagged 'em all up, I did. Tagged those entries right up.

Also, I uploaded all my fic to teh archive of our own thingy here. That was fun.

I broke my achingly unhealthy habit of always having 50 tabs open at a time in Firefox, by organising everything on a Protopage. That was the most fun of all. I almost felt like my life was totally under control after I did that. I know -- laughable. But look -- only seven tabs open.

Next, I must get back to my other projects of archiving all my artwork on Flickr, cataloguing all my books on LibraryThing, and typing up and filing away all the poetry I've ever written.


This sudden obsession for organisation and archiving and labelling... doesn't it feel spookily like I'm tying up loose ends? I do hope the organising bit of my brain doesn't know something I don't! *twilight zone music*

I am reading The Wild Places by Robert Macfarlane, which is about what the concept of wildness means and whether it can still be found on the crowded, built-up island that is Britain, and stories and maps and journeys and other things. It is rather lovely. Although trying to sleep on top of a mountain, in winter, without a tent, is still quite mad.

And I am reading Becoming a Writer by Dorothea Brande, following some-writer-or-other's recommendation in the Guardian article Ten Rules For Writing Fiction. This book, I tell you, is MADE OF AWESOME. It was first published in 1934, which begs the question: SO HOW COME IT'S ABOUT ME???

Ok, have to lay off the capslock. I'm sorry.

In other news, Monty Don is my hero, my evening primrose seeds have germinated, and it rains for ever and for ever and for ever and a day, amen.


books, organisation, writing, tagging, weather, gardening

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