There Was a Child Went Forth (1/2)

Jan 10, 2010 17:07

PAIRING: Sheldon/Penny
RATING: PG-13-for graphic descriptions of ladyparts and childbirth, and an odd bit of swearing.
DISCLAIMER: The characters in this story do not belong to me and no copyright infringement is intended.
WORD COUNT: 2,000 for this part
NOTE: This story is part of the Driving Lessons universe, coming right after Get This Show on the Road. You don't need to have read any of the other stories that come before this one, but it'll definitely give the story more depth if you do. Part 2 is half done and will be posted in a day or two. I decided to post this in two parts because it was getting so long.
THANKS: To Walt Whitman for the title. And to my friends who were generous enough to share their births with me.

Driving Lessons:
She Never | Driving Lessons | The Comic-Con Costume Conception Caper | Get This Show on the Road | There Was a Child Went Forth

One plus one equals three. Solve that equation, Sheldon. )

fan: fiction, rating: pg-13

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