Title: Two's Company, Three's a Crowd
Chapter: Three's a Circus (Part A)
imjustanerd Word Count: 1286
Fandom: The Big Bang Theory
Pairings/Characters: Penny/Leonard, Raj, Howard and (a little bit of) Sheldon
Author's Notes: I had to divide this chapter into two parts.because I think I'm incapable of writing more than 2000 words. Yeah, I know - I'm weird. Also I know the title of the fic and the name of the chapters are like totally lame but I figure I should focus more on the story and less on what it's called. Hope you guys like it.
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc are the property of their respective owners.
If you haven't already read it or you just want to read it again, here's chapter 1 :
Here's chapter 2 :
imjustanerd.livejournal.com/1701.html PS HAPPY HOLIDAYS!! <3