the s/p cover archive

Dec 01, 2009 04:10

I finally got my pet project shiny enough to show off. It has free hosting so it's slow at times, and annoying pop ups may happen. (Although Chrome does a fine job of blocking them.) So I apologize in advance for that. The S/P Cover Archive - a site containing (almost) all the covers I've made for Sheldon/Penny fics, organized by length with the essential details. It was designed with the idea that others may join in on the cover making fun (yes, please!). Any important details can be found on the about page. Thanks again to artists and authors for letting me play with your toys!

(And while it's shiny enough there are still some things I plan to work out, such as everything properly tagged, and the browse section broken up by pages for faster loading. Eventually.)

community: appreciation

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