Episode Discussion, Take 2: 3.01 - The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation

Nov 30, 2009 20:04

EPISODE DISCUSSION, Take 2 - 3.01 The Electric Can Opener Fluctuation

The boys return from their 3 month trip to the North Pole looking a bit like apes... find out how they adjust to being home.

Most of us have already seen this episode, so we thought it would be fun for those re-watching, or just wanting to revisit their early thoughts on it, to set up a discussion thread with a more retrospective point-of-view since we're X number of episodes past this one, and highlight the truly awesome aspects of the episode (see icon!). Just please remember: No character-bashing. Despite certain characters doing certain things that we're not entirely happy about, let us restrain from the character-bashing. Thank you. :)

NOTE: This is test-run. We'll see what kind of responses/reaction this type of rewatch-discussion post gets. If there isn't much interest, we'll reserve these Take 2 posts for the special episodes (like, oh, "The Adhesive Duck Deficiency").

discussion: episodes, tbbt: 3.01 - tecof

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