
Jan 28, 2009 04:23

Title: In The Name Of Science
Rating: Adult (language, sex)
Word Count: 1,243
Something for the Porn Battle! I'm new around here, just started watching as well. I'm almost finished with s1 so if this seems a bit ooc, my apologies. I'll be caught up soon. ;)
Sheldon shuffled his feet at her door, looking totally surprised at her loud exclamation. "Do you have some objection to me practicing the act of oral sex with you?"

"You wanna do what?!"

Sheldon shuffled his feet at her door, looking totally surprised at her loud exclamation. "Do you have some objection to me practicing the act of oral sex with you?"

Penny's eyes widened and she promptly pulled the skinny idiot inside her apartment before anyone could hear their conversation. A conversation she never thought she'd be having with Sheldon, of all people. Of all the nerds, anyhow.

It was her own fault, just possibly. Suggesting drinks would make Halo night more interesting ended with her confessing different things to different boys that she really would rather have them never, ever know. By the end of the night they all knew a little bit more about Penny, Sheldon probably getting the most information when she slurred into his arm that no guy could ever get her off with his tongue.

Penny decided she really needed to quit drinking. Or take on a vow of silence, Rajesh could probably help her with that.

"I've been conducting extensive research on the subject of cunnilingus and I think I've educated myself enough to be able to help you with your problem." Sheldon was talking a mile a minute and as usual, Penny was only catching half of what he was saying. But she caught the overall gist that Sheldon Cooper wanted to go down on her, and that sooo wasn't happening.

"I've read many online articles and step by step instructions. I've also watched a few pornographic videos Howard had emailed me a while back but I found them a bit crude and not at all informative. Also I've been practicing on a papaya."

Penny forgot to be insulted and disgusted long enough to narrow her eyes and shake her head. "A papaya?"

"The papaya (from Carib via Spanish), is the fruit of the plant Carica papaya, in the genus Carica. It is native to the tropics of the Americas, and was cultivated in Mexico several centuries before the emergence of the Mesoamerican classic cultures. It is sometimes called a "big melon" or a "paw paw" but --" Sheldon hadn't taken a breath in too long and Penny cut him off with a slap to his arm.

"I know what a papaya is. Look." She sighed, pushing the hair off her face and staring him down. "I appreciate your... concern. But I'd really rather not do that. With you. Ever."

Sheldon sat, uninvited, on her couch and nodded his head. "Understandable. We've never displayed a sexual attraction for one another, and I tend to prefer redheads anyhow when looking for a suitable mate."

Penny nodded, smiling sarcastically. "Thanks."

"But this would just be an experiment. I did the research, the practice and now I'd like to carry out the actual testing."

"Testing? Sheldon, you didn't even ask me if you can do this! Or if I want it! Which I don't, by the way. I've had plenty orgasms lately, I don't need any charity ones from you."

"Penny, this is not charity or me extending sympathy your way for never having found a man skilled enough to stimulate you with his tongue to a satisfying clitoral orgasm, I --"

"Clitoral orgasm?!"

"Yes, there are many different types of orgasms, Penny. I would think you, as a woman, would know the difference." He scoffed, smiling a thin line, that really made her want to beat him into a pulp.

"Anyway, it's an experiment. Nothing more. A friend helping a friend. That would be you helping me, just to clarify. I just haven't been able to get the idea out of my head since you mentioned it. Perfecting male to female oral sex is a scientific feat all it's own."

Penny groaned towards the ceiling, her hands flailing in the air before coming to rest on her hips as she took a few deep breaths. "Sheldon." She took a few steps towards him before leaning down she so was at eye level with his beady little head.

"Yes, Penny?"

"Go. Away." She spoke through clenched teeth.

And then he kissed her.


Okay, so it was good. Really good. Much better than any man or vibrator and she couldn't stop panting or moaning or grabbing at her couch cushions long enough to tell Sheldon exactly how good it was. Which she would take it for granted that all the panting and the moaning was a sure fire sign, but she knew him well enough to know he would need an actual declaration of the fact.

She really wasn't going to let him, but then he'd kissed her and he'd sort of managed to pull down her shorts and get her on the couch, her sort of pushing his head between her legs and from there things had sort of just, happened. Sheldon took a breath long enough for her to open her eyes and pray that he didn't tell any of the guys about his findings.

His mouth closed against her once more and Penny gasped, looking down at him from where he sat on the floor in front of her couch. He wasn't watching her, like most guys did, he was completely concentrated on the task at hand and she could almost see him taking mental notes as he tried different techniques, his tongue flicking then tracing circles across her clit.

Penny ran a hand down his cheek and licked at her lips. "Sheldon, sweetie." She gasped breathlessly. His eyes came up to rest on her and she moaned, noticing how dark his eyes had become. Suddenly he pulled away from her and stared, a surprised look on his face, along with a bit of redness and her wetness around his mouth.

"I wasn't expecting this." His brow furrowed and she tried to catch her breath.

"What, what is it?" She asked, feeling a bit dazed.

"When I looked up at you, I hadn't though to do that." She watched as a blush developed on his cheeks. "I reacted physically to your, well, own reaction."

Penny laughed, her hand coming around the back of his head and pulling him forward. "Hun, that's pretty much expected. And sweet."

From then on he continued his ministrations, eyes drinking in her every move and working that much harder when she'd yell or gasp loudly.

Across the hall, Leonard was sure Sheldon had done something really horrible to piss Penny off and make her scream his name like that.

Penny tried to catch her breath as Sheldon climbed up onto the sofa next to her. She leaned over and kissed him, surprised when he kissed her back even harder than before. She pulled back and giggled, licking her own wetness away before blowing a piece of her hair out of her face. "Is this still an experiment?"

He furrowed his brow. "Technically, yes. But I will admit it's one of the more interesting experiments I've conducted."

Penny laughed again, kissing him once more as she slide her hand down his stomach and over the budge in his pants. Within a minute Sheldon gasped into her mouth, and she felt a tell tale wetness on her palm. She pulled back to see his face beet red and turned down.

"Oh, hun. Don't worry. With that mouth we can totally conduct experiments to up your stamina. I mean, if you wanna."

Sheldon looked up and nodded seriously. "In the name of science, of course."

fan: fiction, rating: r

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