(no subject)

Jan 28, 2009 00:11

I love you guys. For realz.

Title: The Pajama Polarization (15/?)
Author: stalkerprincess
Pairing/Character: Penny/Sheldon
Rating: PG
Summary: Sheldon tells Penny the possibly distressing news.

Penny opened her door to see Sheldon standing there, holding a small potted plant and grinning very enthusiastically.

"What's that?"

"Zebrina Pendula. The inch plant. Also known as 'Wandering Jew'. They are common house plants that are low maintenance," he said, walking in. He put it her hands.

"Ok…why do you have it?"

"It's a gift. For you."

"Oh! That's nice. What's the occasion?"

Sheldon's smile faded a bit. "I believe it's a common gesture for a man to give his girlfriend a gift to soften the blow of possibly distressing news."

Uh oh. She sat the plant on the counter and turned to him. "What did you do, Sheldon?"

"First, I must ask you not to overreact. She forced me."

Her stomach gave a bad jolt. What happened? She sighed heavily. "Alright. Lay it on me."

"Stephanie is now aware of our relationship. She cornered me in the kitchen and made me confess. She had picked up an apparent change in dynamics between us. I had no choice."

Penny felt the color leave her face. She wasn't entirely surprised by this; Stephanie had given her very suspicious looks all evening. Especially regarding Sheldon's neck. What did she think about her now? Would Stephanie condone this? Or would she think she was an idiot who had no business messing with poor, innocent Sheldon. Oh my god, she would no doubt tell Leonard. This is not how this was supposed to happen.

"In my defense we did discuss the case regarding the need to tell people eventually." Sheldon fidgeted his arms. He looked so guilty. "Are you going to terminate our newfound relationship?"

Penny snapped out of it. She stared at Sheldon, who was now slightly swaying in his spot, his face a little paler than usual. He thought she would dump him over this? Bless him…

"Sheldon, sweetie…" she began, walking toward him. She wrapped her arms around his middle and buried her head in his chest. "Of course not!"

"So you are not irate?"

She looked up at him. "I'm not 'irate'. But I am a little disappointed."

His face fell. "That's just as bad."

"No, its fine. I think I knew deep down that it wouldn't be a secret for long. Especially with you. My god, you attempted to move out the last time I asked you to keep a secret. I'm actually proud you kept your mouth shut this long."

His ears perked a little. "You have nothing to fret about." He fished a piece of paper out of his pocket. "I made her sign this."

Penny unfolded the paper and read it. She laughed. "Well, I hope that, for her sake, she keeps her word. I'd hate to think of what 'terrible repercussions' you could come up with."

"Believe me, I mean every word. I do not appreciate it when someone reneges on a deal."

Penny pulled away and sat on the couch. She patted the empty spot next to her and he sat down. "Well, what all did you tell her?"

"I admitted that the splotches on my neck were actually from you."

She felt the heat rise to her cheeks.

"And that this was a very new development. She asked how it happened and I told her that after discovering what it was I had been experiencing, I was going to inform you of it and we happened to meet in the hallway."

"You didn't tell her what we…did, did you?"

"Heavens no! I'm sure she inferred it, due to the eagerness painted all over my neck and shoulders."

Penny ran her tongue over her teeth. If only she knew exactly how eager. "Ok. But how did she react?"

"Shocked, I believe. She inquired regarding how serious it was. She then commented that our meeting in the hallway was 'so cute'. She also seems to think somewhat highly of you. When I expressed the sentiment that you were going to kill me, she said that you wouldn't and would understand."

"She was right about that," Penny said. She mulled over Stephanie's apparent reaction. Nothing he said seemed to point at disgust or disapproval. Maybe she was underestimating the situation. But then again, Stephanie was a girl, and like most girls she would be mature about the situation and be polite, even if she thought it was a horrible idea. She would have a chat with her about it. Maybe over coffee or something. Or shopping.

Sheldon just gawked at her as she looked off into space, planning a girls' night out with Stephanie. "Penny?"


"I'm sorry for not keeping the secret." He looked sincere.

"Hon, it's ok. I promise. I'm not mad."

"I just wanted to make sure. From what I've heard women tend to change their minds a lot."

She wanted to reply with a quip but she bit her tongue, leaning over and kissing him on the forehead. “That’s true. Not the case this time though.”

“Alright.” He relaxed a bit, sinking into the couch, letting out a yawn. She snuggled up to him and he put his arm around her shoulders. She noticed the action was not as shaky as it had been.

“You tired?”

“If you are asking that because of the yawn, it should be noted that yawning is not actually a sign of tiredness. It is a reaction that changes the brain’s temperature. To cool it down. But in all fairness it is passed my bedtime.”

She rolled her eyes at his explanation but made a mental note. “Well, sweetie, maybe you should go to bed.”

“I should in order to get the suggested 7-8 hours of sleep. I don’t wish to. I’d rather sit here with you. You know, to make sure I spend enough time bonding at this moment in order to completely eradicate my faux pas.”

She looked up at him. She understood that instantly. “Sheldon, you don’t have to lose sleep over that. I swear, it’s ‘eradicated’.”

“Nevertheless, I enjoy it. I could sit like this ‘til dawn.”

“Well, I have the early shift tomorrow so I would pass out before then.”

“Go ahead. I wouldn’t mind. There’s no fan on you so unless you do have sleep apnea, I doubt you would snore.”

She rolled her eyes. “That’s very sweet, but I’m on my feet all day and I don’t think sleeping sitting up would be very good for my back.”

He shot her a worried look. “Have you been experiencing back pain? When did that start? Upper? Lower? Middle?”

She sighed. She always wanted a man that cared about her well being. She just didn’t know one could be like this. “No, honey. I’m not. I just don’t want to start.”

He nodded. “Preventative. Very intelligent. The health care industries should be more supportive of preventative treatment. It could save billions…”

She could see this could be quite a tangent. She put her finger to his mouth to hush him. “I don’t really want to talk politics right now.”

“That’s not politics, per se. It’s more ethical and economical really.”

She raised an eyebrow.

He cleared his throat. “Ok. No more of that tonight.”

She smiled and kissed his cheek. “Yes, because it’s really time to get some sleep.”

“I already expressed me opinion on this matter.”

“I know and it’s very, very sweet, but I do need to go to bed.”

He frowned at her. That look made her feel entirely too bad about the situation. She knew Sheldon was used to getting his way. She sighed heavily and tried to think of a compromise.

“Well, how about this instead. You can sleep here tonight. With me.”

His eyes grew big and he looked away. “I don’t know if I can do that. I’ve never attempted to sleep on your bed before. I am aware that it is comfortable from my time earlier, but I wasn’t attempting to get any rest.”

“You won’t know until you try. It’s up to you. I won’t be mad at you either way. But I’ve got to get some sleep.”

He stood up quickly and paced a bit. She stood there with her arms folded, waiting for a response. “It seems my aversion to sleeping in an unknown location is outweighed by my desire to remain in your company. I’ll go change into my pajamas.”

She chuckled to herself as she watched him race out the door.

Previous Chapters Here

fan: fiction, rating: pg-13

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