Breakdown Request for Howard/Raj fans

Nov 05, 2009 03:19

I've decided to add a new section to the breakdown (which was originally going to be a section but I decided not, this episode pushed me over the edge) about Howard/Raj called "The Ersatz Homosexual Matrimonial Attestations." It won't be huge or generally filled with clips, more just pointing such moments out, unless it's a spectacularly funny scene (ie, the scene with Leonard's mom). Still, it's a big enough part of the show that I do want to cover it specifically.

My question is that while I know of a few scenes off the top of my head, I don't know the H/R moments that really highlight that aspect of their relationship like fans would. So, for you Howard/Raj lovers out there, would you mind popping in this thread and telling me which episodes (with a general description of the scene so I can find it) feature Howard/Raj goodness, or even some kind of overall air (like "The Pirate Solution").

Thanks. :)

ETA: Or not. I just sat down and began to do this, and there simply aren't enough to justify making a whole section for it. I like the idea (and the title), and while it is a recurring thread, it's not dominant enough and this isn't a Howard/Raj commmunity, so ... it was worth a shot. Sorry. :(

tbbt: episode recaps, other: help/requests

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