"I don't think he still undertands that he's in a friendship with her"

Aug 17, 2009 00:47

Sorry if these have been posted already, what with Comic-Con being old news and all lol, I checked and didn't see them though :) These are a couple of short interviews after the panel. I think it's nice that every time they are interviewed, people keep asking them about Penny and Sheldon. Also, it's interesting hearing what Jim says about them, as ( Read more... )

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arabian August 17 2009, 07:31:26 UTC
Hmm, what I thought was weird was how Jim was using the "he doesn't even realize their friends, she tells him so" in describing their progress in season two, and that is from the first episode of the season. It's almost as if he's not ready or willing to delve into the actual progression that happened. Because, Sheldon DEFINITELY knew they were friends by the end of the season. He definitely was aware of their progression. Same with Kaley, ignoring so many episodes of the last half of the season. Sheldon and Penny working together in TWSN, Penny constantly going to the apartment to pout to Sheldon in TDHJ, Penny and Sheldon (unwillingly or not, and yes, there were grumbles, but it worked out) staying at her place when he was locked out. All of that stuff is being completely ignored by both Jim and Kaley.

I don't know, I see three options here (sadly the third being the most likely, LOL!)

1.) They are so ingrained with the "script" on what Sheldon and Penny are to each other (like the previous L/P descriptors that didn't really fit the show) that they are following it to the tee. (Although, if it's the script, it's changed cuz Prady doesn't go by it.)

2.) They're deliberately not touching on that progressive relationship because right now it's about dealing with/getting over Leonard and Penny before entering the Sheldon/Penny phase, so they've been told to keep their cards close to their chest.

3.) They just don't put that much thought into the show/characters to even remotely the degree we do and just go with the surface 'Sheldon/Penny' fight thingie.

On another note, was it Kaley who was saying "Spock" and Jim was saying "you just want face time" and then to the person with the mic, "she doesn't know Sheldon?" If so, man, they're really just playing on each other, aren't they? Hahahaha. If that's the case -- and based on other vids from CC -- can't say it doesn't make one wonder, and that's all I'm saying. If it isn't her, heh, she's still having a ball playing on him, LOL!


artincircles August 17 2009, 07:56:42 UTC
I agree with Jim, though? I don't think Sheldon has realised that Penny is his friend. Yes, he considers her to be part of the group but I believe that it is Penny the one who has adapted, it is her who sort of looks for his company or his help or whatever, Sheldon just goes along with it. What I find really nice is the way Jim says it, as if he wanted that Sheldon became more introspective about his relationship with Penny, you can see he wants to dwell a bit more on that, which is why he singled out the second season premiere. I loved that question "when did we become friends?" and I wish he sorted out an answer this season. We all know the answer, but this is Sheldon, he needs to see it for himself.

Can I just say how much respect I have for Jim Parsons as actor? I love the way he analyses and deconstructs Sheldon, it's very layered and smart.


arabian August 17 2009, 16:46:25 UTC
I agree with Jim, though? I don't think Sheldon has realised that Penny is his friend.

Oh, I think he does if for no other reason than: "I'm such an endearing, important part of your life." He never would have said it did he not think so; in addition, there was him helping her in TWSN, staying with her and thanking her in TVR are signs, that yes, he's well aware that she is his friend.


elsiesnuffin August 17 2009, 13:14:21 UTC
While I get the feeling that Kaley only uses what is actually written down on the page and probably doesn't delve too far into Penny, Jim seems like the type of actor who already has figured out Sheldon's backstory in his head and figured out with Johnny how Sheldon and Leonard met and IS aware of the Sheldon/Penny thing. He's been getting this question since halfway through the first season I believe. Paley was I think the first time in that Kaley was hit with the S/P thing, which means she probably had no idea it was coming. Yet, the two of them still had a 'couple' name picked out for their scenes together. I think from the inside, it's no different than making a joke about Penny getting drunk and sleeping with Wolowitz, because to the actors, if feels like the same level of crazy. The storyline has always been Leonard and Penny fall in love, and deviating from that would be insane.

And then Comic-Con happened. It tells me that even though Jim gets questioned and Kaley gets questioned and Bill and Chuck get questioned, they haven't actually all sat down and talked about it together. Chuck ALWAYS says that Sheldon isn't ever going to feel that way and then Jim does an interview and says he thinks Sheldon in a relationship would be a lot of fun. There are some crossed wires and lack of communication, because to sit down and seriously talk about it lends creedence to the subject, and they're all afraid to do that right now.

I think at this point, they're all afraid to be the first one to say 'Yeah, I think Penny and Sheldon would be great together' and even though I think Jim has at some point crossed over to actually giving it some serious thought, he'll wait for Johnny to be the first vocal supporter of it. Because, despite his personal beliefs, we know that Jim is first and foremost here to discuss and promote the show he's on.


fujiidom August 17 2009, 14:46:47 UTC


deadwoodlightly August 17 2009, 15:02:10 UTC
Wow, you hit the nail right on the head there, dear. Jim has frequently said in interviews that he admires Penny's character mainly because she's the total opposite of them and that creates a balance within the group. He also reiterated about how he enjoys his profound interaction with Penny the most. The writers will eventually realize it (it being the dynamics of Penny/Sheldon's relationship), they just wanna keep going the way they are now to sustain the show's quality, I suppose.


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