Okay guys, we've all been going crazy over what went on in Comic Con 2009. Here in to share in the craze while my artworks are still on the way, I rediscovered my old love for Corel Photopaint animation and edited some portions of the video.
No, we cannot use these as icons unfortunately (except maybe for the one I have on top) because it's larger than 40KB (grrr).
I'm still trying to get permission from the owner of the video to see if I can recreate these sequence of images as a video and post it in youtube. Sort of like a Bazinga haha
There's also a new angle of "You're getting pitched the Shenny" video! The quality's not as good as the first though. BUT WE GET TO HEAR THAT IT'S MUCH LOUDER IN THE ROOM!!! AND THE GUY WITH THE VIDEO IS SOOOOO IN TO PENNY AND SHELDON!@!! Like WHAT DA FRAK!!!! GIRLS! Let's show our love for this guy!!! hahaha! Also, the video contains the two J/K (S/P) moments, the girlfriend and shenny bit and the DNA bit.
Click to view
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enT36pYoZUU&feature=channel_page --> Video
I don't have previews of my next batch of artworks, but I will tell you this. We will see, for the first time, my version of NON CHIBI RAJ AND HOWARD!
Til then guys, PEACE OUT!