The reporter asked if Sheldon would crash girls night with Leonard gone. Molaro then answered with the "I don't know how interested"...etc. I don't know how he went from a question about Sheldon attending girls night to Penny being there for him, it seems a bit of a non sequitur. He also said we will be suprised how Leonard is handling the distance from Penny, hum.
I can't see sheldon intruding on girls night unless its an emergency or he's real desperate for company. It is weird on how he just randomly mentions penny towards that question and not Amy instead. Well I HOPE that Leonard is handling being away for four months better than Penny since it'll prove that he can totally live without her and may seem even happier by going on as many trips they offer to him and traveling around the world as a career. For all we know maybe he even met someone? *narrows eyes*
Right he said he was having fun on the ship, in other words he wasn't missing her as much as we think he would. However it will be the same when Leonard gets back, or tptb will have him want a break from Penny this time and of course that will make her want to commit to Leonard even more....blah blah.
So if I'm following, it will be the same or Leonard will dump Penny this time and Penny will mope about losing Leonard and Amy and Bernadette will go on and on about how great Leonard is. So really nothing changes :( TPTB want to do something different, let Penny and Sheldon get together. If Sheldon can be Amy's girlfriend he is capable of being Penny's girlfriend. Otherwise TPTB should have kept Sheldon single. It's hard not to be negative with this show when TPTB make the decisions they make.
But don't you remember what Amy said? She's 'the best girlfriend that Sheldon's ever gonna get'! LOL
Either that or Penny would most likely be so anxious of having Leonard away and paranoid over him meeting someone better that she just frigging proposes to him when he returns, you know 'just to be safe that he doesn't go having an affair' even though she clearly said in one episode that Leonard would never have the guts to do anything like that to her. I truly don't know why she even wastes her time with him anymore, like what good is she getting out of being in a relationship with him? The boy does NOTHING for her!
How could I forget that classic moment Jislane :) If Amy is the best Sheldon can do, Sheldon should stay single :) I have to wonder if Leonard will have an ego on his return and that causes problems for the Lenny? I have to think we will get more Shenny this year. Hard not to have any less than previous years. The problem is will it be worth it if the Lenny and Shamy continues as it has been?
Yes, I thought that part was interesting. When Amy was mentioned in the question (I.e. girls night) Molaro does not mention Shamy but goes back to Penny.
You know I wonder if he might be cooling on the whole Amy thing. I think they introduced her on a whim, just that one date episode and then suddenly she was lined up to be Sheldo's girlfriends. Perhaps, he realizes they have made a mistake. It was all fun and exciting having new characters but the novelty has worn off and they don't know how far they want to take it anymore.
I find the idea that Sheldon who doesn't want sex with Amy now, will one day want to, such a stupid storyline. Men are not like that, even the weird ones. Sex is about instinct, passion and loss of control it's not about IQs and what PhD someone has!
Exactly. If the man is not asexual then he's gonna have desire and passion regardless of his germaphobia. I remember one episode where the Dean of Cal Tech put his hand on Sheldon's shoulder, and removed it quickly saying "oh I forget you don't like to be touched" and Sheldon said "it's not touching it's germs, if you had a glove on you could check my prostate"..something along those lines. Even with the fear of germs he's fine if there is protection. HELLO! CONDOMS!
It's just really dumb that a man who tptb says is NOT asexual would not have some passion and desire for someone he's supposedly in romantic relationship with, after all he's passionate about other things.
Whenever the shamys are going on about how Sheldon will grow to desire Amy, the men over on the BBT forums are strangely quiet.LOL!! They know it's totally unrealistic. Unless Sheldon is either generally asexual or not attracted to Amy then it makes no logical sense. There is no in between in these matters, asexuals don't want sex and attraction is either there or it's not. I think they are realizing they made a mistake with Amy. They made her too undesirable and had fun messing around with her character and now the have dug themselves a rather large hole.
Yes. If Sheldon had been sexually attracted to Amy but was trying to be all Homo Novus, we would have seen him trying to motivate himself to rise above his baser urges. "I am the master of my own penis" and all that. Yet, we haven't seen that.
Exactly. If there were any sexual attraction Sheldon would be relieving himself even if he still had a germ aversion. He's got rubber gloves and butter surely! LOL!!!!
Yet they are still going to keep her tugging at Sheldon and keep her around being annoying. I guess the Emmy nods are helping Amy stay on the show as Sheldon's gf, but again, who is really more relevant on the show; Penny or Amy? Emmy nods mean something but not everything. Why don't they just move her along as his good friend and someone he can relate to on an intellectual level, and stop with the gf/bf stuff because it's so awkward, creepy, and frankly insulting to Amy in many ways.
Exactly. There are plenty of examples that have shown sheldon not being sexually attracted to Amy: (correct me if I'm wrong) but he seemed a bit terrified yet intruded when she wore her Star Trek costume, when she got her Brazilian wax and she flashed it off to him he was more focused on how many bandaids she had put around it, when he assisting on bathing her when she was 'sick' you didn't hear anything about him greeting out of hand when washing her, when Sheldon told Amy to show off her breasts and Raj laughed it off saying that it's no use in asking her since she has no sexual appeal and Sheldon's response was 'oh alright that's what I thought you said' so be basically didn't even try to defend her in that statement which ended up with her getting upset, the first time she wore lipgloss he told her to stop using it since it made her lips lok wet, one day on girl's night out Penny helped the girls out on dressing them up for the night and did Sheldon make any comment on Amy's outfit? no, Amy is always the one who intiated a hug or
( ... )
He also said we will be suprised how Leonard is handling the distance from Penny, hum.
Either that or Penny would most likely be so anxious of having Leonard away and paranoid over him meeting someone better that she just frigging proposes to him when he returns, you know 'just to be safe that he doesn't go having an affair' even though she clearly said in one episode that Leonard would never have the guts to do anything like that to her. I truly don't know why she even wastes her time with him anymore, like what good is she getting out of being in a relationship with him? The boy does NOTHING for her!
I find the idea that Sheldon who doesn't want sex with Amy now, will one day want to, such a stupid storyline. Men are not like that, even the weird ones. Sex is about instinct, passion and loss of control it's not about IQs and what PhD someone has!
It's just really dumb that a man who tptb says is NOT asexual would not have some passion and desire for someone he's supposedly in romantic relationship with, after all he's passionate about other things.
Whenever the shamys are going on about how Sheldon will grow to desire Amy, the men over on the BBT forums are strangely quiet.LOL!! They know it's totally unrealistic. Unless Sheldon is either generally asexual or not attracted to Amy then it makes no logical sense. There is no in between in these matters, asexuals don't want sex and attraction is either there or it's not. I think they are realizing they made a mistake with Amy. They made her too undesirable and had fun messing around with her character and now the have dug themselves a rather large hole.
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