REMINDER: Saturnalia Rough Drafts!

Dec 07, 2012 15:56

Please remember, rough drafts for the Saturnalia exchange are due Monday, December 10!

Rough drafts for fan mixes and fan art (including wallpapers) should meet 75% of the requirements for that type of fanwork. Use your own judgment when submitting rough drafts for these fanworks. You should be able to determine when you have met 75% of the requirements. You can take a screencap of your open work if making digital art or a fanmix and attach them to the e-mail that you send.

Rough drafts for fan fic should meet the 1,500 minimum word requirement and should have a beginning and an ending. Please attach them to your e-mail as a .doc or .docx file.

If you have any questions about rough drafts and/or the Saturnalia schedule, please contact us. If you know you will not be submitting a rough draft and therefore need to withdraw so a pinch-hitter can replace you, please let us know as soon as possible. Again: All rough drafts and withdrawals are due by Monday, December 10! Send all questions, drafts, and withdrawals to

As a reminder, the remaining dates for Saturnalia are as follows:

December 10 - Rough drafts due.
December 17 - December 23 - Regular posting period.
December 26 - December 31 - Pinch-hit posting period.

You can still sign-up here to pinch-hit.

!a very merry saturnalia: 2012

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