The State of Paradox Address!

Jun 15, 2012 16:05

Hello everyone! We figured it was high time that we give you an update on the current state of Paradox and our plans for the future.

First off, we sincerely apologize for bailing on the planned activity for spring that we discussed earlier in the year. It has been a hectic few months for all our moderators with school, work, travel, family and personal responsibilities keeping us from planning and executing the spring activity.

While activity at the community has diminished greatly over the past year or so, we are still committed to Paradox and we still love Sheldon/Penny. However, when we look at the level of activity, traffic and enthusiasm now as compared to 2 or 3 years ago, there is an obvious and substantial drop-off. While we know that there are still many of you who are just as in love with Sheldon/Penny as you have always been, we also know there are many fans who have moved on to other fandoms or whose interest in the show itself has waned over the past couple of years.

Keeping all that in mind, we have discussed as a team and decided that we will not be running a summer activity this year as we have done in previous years. While we loved what came out of this community in previous summers, we just don’t see enough response out of the community currently to justify the launching of an activity this year. Our last few attempts at prompt posts or activities have been met with near silence, and we fear that would happen with a summer activity as well.

As of right now, we do still plan on running the annual Saturnalia exchange during the winter season. As long as we get enough sign-ups, it will go on as usual and we look forward to that as we do every year.

As moderators, we are not absent, we have not given up and we have no plans on going anywhere. We will continue to do our jobs by making sure that posts go through the queue in a timely fashion and will monitor posts to make sure everyone is abiding by the rules. We also will continue with episode discussions once the new season starts up in the fall. We may continue to do activities at random intervals, but they will not be specifically scheduled activities.

We also encourage all of our members to start activities independently of us if the mood strikes you! (For example, notalwaysweak and the drabble tree from months ago.) So if you ever get a fun idea that you’d like to see on the community, feel free to post it and have fun! As long as it’s appropriate to the community, we’ll happily push it through the posting queue. (And if you have any questions about that, don’t hesitate to contact us or use the Page-A-Mod post.) In order for a fandom to thrive, it needs everyone to participate and the responsibility doesn't lie on just the moderators. That's why we encourage all of you to start your own activities if you have something you'd like to see your fellow fans participate in.

Last of all, we just want to say thank you to all of our members for sticking with the community through all the ups and downs. Paradox would be nothing without our members and we are incredibly grateful for all of you. As long as you guys are here, then so are we.

Please note that we will be holding all posts in the queue for the next 48 hours. We want to make sure that everyone in the community has an opportunity to read this post and leave any questions or comments before new posts get stacked on top of it. We will start approving new posts on Sunday evening. Thanks for your patience and understanding!

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