Title: The Elm, The Ash, and The Linden Tree
Rating: T
Disclaimer: It's a rental.
Summary: For
gertie_flirty's fantastic
Saturnalia prompt AU in which Penny is a writer that procrastinates, Sheldon is her put upon editor.
A/N: It wouldn't be a fic exchange without me somehow getting painfully sick or injured, thus bringing up the rear. But, seriously, I hope I did this anything resembling justice because (I interpreted the term editor very lightly) this is easily one of my favorite tropes and I know I identify with Penny enough as it is, so putting her in this position was kind of brutal! If I didn't already bequeath my life and love to
weasleytook on a daily basis, I'd be doing it for the first time, here. Thank you for making this look halfway legible.
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