Saturnalia Gift for courtney_beth | Fic: Europa Falls

Dec 19, 2011 19:20

Title: Europa Falls
Author: jazzfic
Rating: PG for some language
Word Count: 11,380
Summary: Penny wins a contest to stay at the strangest hotel imaginable. In place of Swedish actors and Star Wars characters, she takes Sheldon.
Notes: Saturnalia gift for courtney_beth, who made it very hard to choose a prompt because they were all fantastic. But in the end I couldn’t go past this one (and once I started stalking the hotel’s website...yeah, the deal was done). This took up a huge part of my brain for some time and in my defence I will say that it’s summer here right now, and what I know of wintery landscapes basically comes from the back of a cocoa packet, so...I hope you like it. Lots of thanks to allthingsholy for the beta.

Europa Falls | Or read it at AO3

rating: pg, fan: fiction, !a very merry saturnalia: 2011

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