Hi all, just a long time lurker wanting to share some Shenny goodness with the good people of Paradox!
Title: LunarPi VS Solarcake
he03Rating: G
Spoilers? Nope, none at all.
Notes: Just mixing two of my favourite things - basketball and Shenny. ^_^
Considering how competitive Sheldon and Penny are, it's so easy to imagine these two playing hoops and trash talking each other all the while. Maybe Penny pointed out that Sheldon's height would make him an ideal basketballer if only he were more co-ordinated, which of course Sheldon takes an affront to because Homo Novus excels at anything & everything, no matter how beneath him the activity may be. Hence the 1-on-1 challenge.
Penny would wipe the floor with him, though. ;)