(no subject)

Aug 10, 2011 16:53

By show of hands, how many here have seen the first episode of The X-Files? There's a scene, a quintessential X-Files moment, in which Scully and Mulder are driving along a road in northwest Oregon at night: At 9:03PM, a light engulfs the car, which slows to a stop as it loses power, and when the moment passes, Mulder discovers it's 9:12. In what seems like seconds, nine minutes simply vanish.

Well, it's August 10th, but wasn't it July 9th yesterday? It seems your mods have experienced their own mysterious time loss, thanks to family, financial, and other personal reasons (no mysterious bright lights or engine failures here!)!

Because of this, we have found ourselves unable to keep the scheduled planned for this summer's events, and because of ongoing difficulties, we find ourselves unable to move forward with the remainder of these events. For all of this, we apologize. We hope that you'll understand.

However, we don't want to leave you without anything to occupy you until season 5 begins in September, so tomorrow we will be an announcing a much simpler challenge. We hope you'll check in and participate!

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