Paradox: The 2010 Scrapbook

Jan 15, 2011 09:55

2010 was another great year at Paradox and we'd like to celebrate the year that was by reminding everyone of some of the highlights. We survived moderator changes, saw our membership go over 3000, cheered on Jim Parsons as he won his first Emmy and settled in for the fourth season of The Big Bang Theory. But that's just a tiny piece of what made 2010 so great. Please take a trip with us through our 2010 Scrapbook as we embark on a new year filled with even more fun at sheldon_penny!

In January, the members of Paradox participated in the help_haiti auctions to benefit the victims of the massive earthquake in Haiti. juniperlane spearheaded the efforts here at sheldon_penny and many of our members auctioned off fanfiction, graphics, fanvids of their own creation while also bidding on others.

Our goal was to make $2300, but we surpassed that with a final total of $2615! You can view the final tally here. Not only did we work together to help a great cause, we also got a lot of wonderful fic, graphics and vids out of the deal. You can view all of the creative work from this event by checking out this tag.

In early March, we decided that as active as Paradox is, we needed to branch out a bit and created the paradox_ot community. It was our way of keeping things related to Sheldon/Penny separate from other topics. We asked the entire community to nominate and then vote on who should be the mods at this new community and in May, you chose courtney_beth and weasleytook (who now moderate at both communities!).

paradox_ot is there to provide a place for posts related to the show but has also been a fun place for activities like the Red Vines Appreciation Post which is filled with artwork, drabbles and spontaneous haiku inspired by Sheldon's favorite movie snack! The OT community also hosted two bracketed voting events, the first being the Sheldon Shirt Smackdown which started with 32 of our favorite Sheldon shirts and ended up with one winner - the Tron 2.0 shirt! The second event was the Facial Expression Face-Off which started with 64 BBT character faces nominated by our members and ended up with the Man in 4B as our ultimate winner.

April was another big month here as we launched voting for our first ever header contest! You can look at all of the wonderful entries here. It was a close race but the winner was juniperlane (with art by znuese) who created the fantastic header you see now, and we announced that in this post.

Summer brought us one of the most hectic (and fun) times at the community. Our summer activity was called Paradox-O-Rama in which we divided up participating members into three teams (Team Beautiful Minds, Team Adhesive Ducks and Team Penny Blossoms) and had them compete in three different sessions with art and fic challenges, as well as puzzles, scavenger hunts, fanmixes, meta, ship manifestos and more. It was a great summer with a ton of creative content being produced. If you haven't already, we highly recommend taking a look at the posts below to see what our teams were able to create.

Art Challenges:
Icons - Favorite Episodes, Favorite Quotes
Fanfic Cover Art
Fanvids, Manips & Gifs
Graphics Free for All

Fic Challenges:
Picture Prompts - Red/Orange/Yellow, Green/Blue/Purple, Black/White/Grey
Fic Races - End of the World, Comics/Sci-Fi, Alternate Universe
TV Tropes - Betrayal/Food/School, Memory/Combat/Family, Prophecy/Fate/Mortality

Effloresce (Team Blossoms)
For Your Eyes Only (Team Ducks)
These Rules Are Made to Break (Team Minds)

Meta Posts:
Because META is just an anagram of TEAM. And also MEAT. (Team Blossoms)
For Whom the Duck Quacks (Team Ducks)
Canon vs. Fanon (Team Minds)

Ship Manifestos:
S + P = Sparks (Team Blossoms)
Team Ducks' Ship Manifesto (Team Ducks)
The Sheldon/Penny Hypothesis (Team Minds)

Our final major event of the year was the A Very Merry Saturnalia exchange! We were thrilled with the turnout as we watched community members create icons, fanmixes and fic as gifts to their fellow Sheldon and Penny fans. There was such a fantastic variety in style, genre and prompts that perusing the tag for all the posted gifts could make for a great day of browsing.

Please take a look at some of these posts and feel free to comment on the work created by your fellow community members while you're browsing! We hope you enjoyed this little journey through the year that was, and stay tuned for even more fun in 2011!

!moderator posts, community: appreciation

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