
Jun 30, 2010 20:06

Yeah, you read that right. My first post here and I come bearing fanfic, a picspam and a fanmix... Can you say overachiever? *g*

Title: Spin Cycle
Author: seraphina_snape
Spoilers: ---
Rating: ADULT
Word Count: 1769
Disclaimer: TBBT will be mine as soon as I invent that time machine...

Spin Cycle

(click to go to the picspam)

All the pictures for the picspam are from episode 2x01 - The Bad Fish Paradigm.

Fascinating: A Sheldon/Penny Fanmix

(click to go to the fanmix)

~ sera

fan: fiction, fan: picspam, fan: mixes, tbbt: 2.01 - tbfp, rating: nc-17

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