
Mar 17, 2010 05:48


I'm fairly new to this fandom. I saw Jim Parsons for the first time on Conan O Brien a few months ago and was instantly smitten. I decided to give the show one chance and it just so happens that the first episode I ever watched was The Adhesive Duck Deficiency. Of course I now know that there could not have been a better episode to start with!

I love this community so much and have been lurking for a little while now. You guys have such amazing talent here. I've followed my fair share of fandoms, but the talent here is mind blowing and definitely surpasses anything else I've seen.

But I'll get to my point. I've worked up the courage to write a fic that I would like to share. But I wanted to know if there was anyone who would be willing to look it over and check for errors or inconsistencies with cannon, etc?


other: help/requests, community: appreciation

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