(no subject)

Jun 06, 2006 09:47

I've been tagged by __overthemoon for this meme.

Once you are tagged you must write an entry about six weird habits/things (about yourself) as well as state this rule clearly. In the end, you need to choose the next six people to be tagged and list their names.

1. I always keep my receipts, for no real reason. Movie tickets too. (I have one from 2002 - Sweet Home Alabama) Maybe just to look back on them in 20 years.
2. I tend to leave my computer on overnight. (I cant be the only one...) Usually for 3-4 days before I restart it. The longest I've left it on was 2 months, when I was on holiday overseas, haha.
3. I have a habit of getting obsessed with male celebrities, short-term-ly. Robert Pattinson, William Moseley, Adrien Brody...
4. I rent Lord of The Rings 2 way too often.
5. I start on many sketches and never bother finishing them.
6. I'm a maths/science person, not an english/humanities one.

And I tag... ainodeluca, unconfessed, _chokeanddie, ingenu0us, seenred and seanfan01!

post: random

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