Two pictures from Cracow:
Tiny, old granny has a little dog and a cat on two leashes (animal per hand). Both creatures have flannel clothes, they look confused or maybe rather bored. Granny is hyper and she screams at them "we're going right now!!". They ignore her totally.
I'm walking to my dorm. Left side of the street - I hear French hip hop from opened windows of old tenement house. Two buildings "later" on the right side of the street I hear someone playing piano (that was baroque piece, I'm almost sure).
It's great that's getting warmer, at last. Due to cold spring, grass is still fresh, so sitting by the river with a book is one of the most interesting possibilities lately.
Warmth and scent of flowers make air thick. Balls of flowers cuddle to curbs.
Despite the fact that English is more and more difficult for me with every month of using it, I'm content that's my second language. I can try to think in English when Polish seems to be inapproriate.
As I see certain topics seem to be created to be spoken in certain languages.
When I use English I'm often struck by such simplicities as ambiguousness of particular words.
I don't have such fresh approach towards Polish.
polski reminded me that we actually have two verbs meaning "to die": one when a human being dies, second when it's about death of an animal.
It's easy to forget.
This is (
[EN] |
[PL] ) for people who maintain / design / are thinking about creating a website : Web Standards.
Probably everyone has already read it and I'm the last one to spot it, but I hope someone will find it useful.
I'd like to do something closely related to computers in the few next weeks, but I can only dream on.
I'm very impatient to learn at least a bit of programming so I harm all my programmer friends on messenger (oh yes, because I'm theoretically learning something totally different) to explain me certain issues.
Basics of programming actually were one of the most interesting things I had in high school and I took it as additional classes then.
Yummy yummy knowledge, I want it all.
This caramel tea is quite good.