Busy Bee

Feb 11, 2008 20:40

Wow, time is flying and I am SOO busy!

Last week was really jam-packed. I went to NBC on my regular 10-5 MWF schedule, but I also went in to help them with Super Tuesday results on Tuesday night, so that was from about 3 to midnight. I modeled for the Streetside San Diego show on Friday morning, and I went out on the field with 2 reporters to watch them interview and broadcast. I already feel that 2 weeks of this has given me some MAJOR experience. I have sat in on meetings, watched the news broadcast live, contributed to a webcast, and written a million web stories in addition to all of the above.

I LOVE Becky (my boss) and I still can't get over how genuinely nice everyone at NBC is. I just think it says a lot about the company.

Here are a few more links to my stories:

How to pick good roses for Valentine's Day


Mardi Gras

I am also being sent to a movie premier (Stop-Loss) on Weds. night so I can interview the director on Thursday. I am nervous to do the interview... this director seems really intense! I am not nervous to talk to her, just nervous about my questions. I need to formulate some really good ones, which I think I will be able to do since I have been doing a lot of research. I've been reading about her (Kimberly Peirce), the movie, and the military's Stop-Loss Program, which I have really mixed feelings about.

This past week we also had the taping of the USDtv News! It was our first one of the year and it went extreemely well. For those of you who don't know this, I am producing USDtv this semester. I am really excited to see what happens, I think it will just keep improving over time :-)

And this weekend was GORGEOUS so my friends and I took advantage of the sun and laid out forever.

Now it is back to the grind.

I am going to go to sleep, but I promise to be more faithful with my updates.

A pic from Wine Wednesday-

<3 Shelby

p.s. my friends and I are coming to CO in a month!!
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