(no subject)

Dec 13, 2005 16:46

1* First grade teacher's name: Mrs. Bator
2* Last word you said: alright
3* Last song you sang: California - OC Theme
4* Last person you hugged: my mom
5* Last thing you laughed at: Sarah Halasa
6* Last time you said "I'm in love with you"?: ummm never
7* Last time you cried?: at the football game wher we lost ...
9* What color socks are you wearing:  white
10* What's under your bed: magazines ... not dirty magazines . like cosomgirl and seventeen
11* What time did you wake up today: 6*30
12* Current taste: diet coke
13* Current hair: down

15* Current annoyance: who is my secret santa???
16* Current longing: SLEEP!!!
17* Current desktop background: beach scene
18* Current worry: What to give my person for choir secret santa..
19* Current hate: snow
20* Current favorite article of clothing: socks
26* If you could play an instrument, what would it be: piano
27* Favorite color: green and orange
29* How tall are you: 5'10'' ish
30* Current favorite word/saying: i like potatoes
31* Favorite book: where the heart is
32* Favorite season: fall
33* One person from your past you wish you could go back and talk to: my grandma

35* Where do you want to go for college? MSU or Some college in Maryland or U of M
36* What is your favorite career going to be :  Something involved with sports (trainer/business manager/coach)
37* How many kids do you want: 2 or 3


39* Said "I love you" and meant it: yesterday
40* Gotten in a fight with your dog/cat/bird/fish: yes i got pissed at my dog
41* Been to New York: no
42* Been to Florida: yes
43* Been to California: no
44* Been to Hawaii: in my dreams if that counts
45* Been to Mexico: Si!
46* Been to China: no
48* Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened? yeah

52* Do you have a crush on someone: kinda idk
53* What book are you reading now? of mice and men
54* Worst feeling in the world:  lonliness
55* What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning: is it a snowday??
56* How many rings before you answer: until it comes up on the caller id
57* Future daughter's name: Blaire or Isabella  
58* Future son's name: Caiden or  Erik
59* Do you sleep with a stuffed animal: sometimes- usually just a lot of pillows
60* If you could have any job you wanted: sports anchor espn
61* Wish you were: thinner i guess
62* Future College plans: To graduate
63* Piercings: 2
64* Do you do drugs: if its necessary ... like pain killer drugs
65* What kind of Shampoo and Conditioner do you use? what ever there is at home
66* What are you most scared of? heights, spiders, clowns
67* What clothes do you sleep in? pants or shorts and a shirt sometimes a sweatshirt if its cold
69* Where do you want to get married: in a church i guess
70* If you could change anything about yourself what would that be: my eyecolor i wish i had green eyes
71* Who do you really hate: when ppl make up stuff about others just to hate them
72* Are you timely or always late: timely
73* Do you have a job: nope ... student
74* Do you like being around people? yeah when they dont annoy me
75* Best feeling in the world?: love i guess idk
76* Are you for world peace: yeah i guess so... never gonna happen ... its nice to think about
77* Are you a health freak: wouldnt say that
78* Do you have a "type" of person you always go after: well gotta be at least 6' i usually like dark hair too
79* Do you want someone you don't/can't have? idk mb
80* Are you lonely right now: i dont think so

81* Ever afraid you'll never get married: not really
82* Do you want to get married: yeah eventually


84* Cried: no
85* Bought Something: yeah
86* Gotten Sick: of someone
87* Sang: yeah
88* Said I Love You: yeah
89* Wanted To Tell Someone You Liked them: probably
90* Met Someone?: no
91* Had Sex: no
92* Talked To Someone: yeah
93* Had A Serious Talk: no
94* Missed Someone: yeah
95* Hugged Someone: yeah
96* Yelled at Someone: no i wanted to
98* Kissed someone: no
99* Have you ever been heartbroken: no
100* Do you like the way things are right now: it could be etter but i also could be worse .. so i guess so

survey, random

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