Even when you stumble, you fall forward.

Feb 20, 2011 22:27

Hello lovelieeeees!! :D

No, no, don't close the window just now! I know what you're thinking, but I'm not bringing bad news this time ^^; However unbelievable that might sound, today I'm not going to brood over my pitiful life. I just feel like writing, writing a lot... I'm currently at my father's cousin's (he's really nice and only about ten years older than me ;A; ), and I've spent the night and day RP-ing, but then Brit left and I paced around the room mindlessly for some time, then walked, took a tram, and finally took a shower - which inevitably led to thinking. And you probably know how much I hate thinking... but this time, luckily, I concentrated my brilliant (note the sarcasm) mind on something else than angsting - fanfics.

So first: I spent the last three days or so browsing the sherlockbbc_fic & sh kink meme (OMG WHAT IS THAT FIC OVER THERE BRB GONNA SPEND THE WHOLE NIGHT OVER IT O___O), and once again, it came. The inspiration. So I have two parts of one fic started, and my mind is harbouring two more ideas, but... duh. I'm kind of discouraged to write more, because what I wrote got completely out of the hand, and I ended up wishing someone else could have picked up the prompt and I'd read it and everyone would be happy OTL

Secondly, I feel like I need to apologize to Brit, and thank her at the same time. Reason for my apologizing is quite obvious; it happened again that she should have been on for only an hour, or two at max, and this time she actually had to do something... so you guess how long we ended up roleplaying for?
Fucking sixteen hours. In row. My fucking creys.
And thank her, for putting up with me all the time with endless patience. Which might not be endless and not even patience, but who cares, as long as we do it together? Also, she probably doesn't realise, but the "deep" discussion we had the other day instead of RP-ing... it was priceless and enlightening.

Third thing, I feel bad for my absence on LJ, but you know how it is... I come, stay for a while, leave. And again. I only apologize to Darcia, and well, maybe few others, for neglecting their important journals. I have no legit explanation... (then again, do I really need one?)

At fourth and last, Tumblr. I would sum it up as veni, vidi, vici. It was nice experience, everyone was incredibly sweet, the stuff there was awesome, and so on, and so on. I'm over trying to be famous, hopefully, eventually (you know, what with being all too honest and everything). And yeah, it gets boring when you stop communicating with everyone there, and especially when you have to browse it without pictures, watching each and every page you open only to not exceed your daily limit. Duh.

And just so you know, any inspiration I could have had had is most probably long gone whatsoever by now, seeing as it took me an two hours to type this entry. So excuse me while I resume watching the (Slovak! TAT) movie about firefighters and wait some more until the rerun of the first ep of Glee, which is due to 4 am. OTL


rant, random

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