Wonder Twin powers, activate!

May 11, 2009 11:49

Author Jim Hines is running a caption contest featuring a photo of him and John Scalzi. A while ago he solicited captions for the photo, and I submitted one. I watched a lot of Super Friends cartoons as a kid, so the first thing I thought of when I saw the photo was the Wonder Twins so I submitted, "Wonder twin powers activate! Form of a science fiction author! Form of a fantasy author!"

There were dozens of entries, and I wasn't sure how my parody retro caption would fare.

Well, my caption made it into the contest! Woo hoo! So go vote!

Of course, I prefer you give my caption a bump (currently in 2nd place), but really, to be fair, vote for the one you like best.

Click through to see the photo and vote: http://jimhines.livejournal.com/442101.html

Bribe time: lintra, if I win, F gets the book.
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